Example sentences of "[n mass] want [verb] to " in BNC.

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1 This is what people want to return to .
2 You , you ca n't have a transport football team because you ca n't get enough of us together at one time cos they 're working you see , when people want to go to and from work but er
3 She said : ‘ Too many people want to go to the festival and we have just not got the space to accommodate them . ’
4 There are things people want to do to you .
5 Yeah and er look I think the process is that you do work and you feel passionate about it , you wan na do it the best you think you 've done it as well as you can do it , and then you put it out in whatever form , in a T V series like Love Hurts or on stage like Alfie , or in an album like Midnight Postcards and you then just pray and hope that people want to listen to you , want to watch you , want to hear you .
6 The second point is on correspondence , I 'm absolutely certain that when a member of public writes in to any department , not necessarily highway , he expects and needs an immediate response , now I know you have , you have started the acknowledgement of our system , but I think it 's , it does n't go far enough , an acknowledgement card that simply says the thing is received and is receiving attention , needs to then indicate the individual to whom that matter has been passed for attention and that leads me to the third point and I think the general complaint on the public is that local government is seen as faceless people and I think we have to get in our mind to name people within our department , there 's not one mention about it in our promise , I think we need , unless I 've not read it , but I think , I think we , yes , but I think we need to mention people by name , senior people within the department who will respond to particular things and certainly where public comes into contact within the offices we must get around to wearing a name badge who says who that person is , people want to relate to a person and I think we can do that if we try .
7 Television writer Thomas Ellice who adapts screenplays for television says : ‘ The Darling Buds of May was first shown during the Gulf War , and in times of trouble , people want to retreat to happier times . ’
8 Tenpin bowling has cheap membership and I believe at the end of the day , that people want to belong to clubs .
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