Example sentences of "[n mass] likely to be " in BNC.

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1 The Naval shift of emphasis to limited war capabilities was strongly supported by the General Staff , who doubted whether the degree of strategic mobility , upon which Sandys was banking to reduce overseas garrisons , would be practicable with the transport aircraft likely to be available in the foreseeable future .
2 If you need a rule of thumb , any item which is common or plentiful is 90% likely to be here ; any item which is average or scarce is 70% likely to be here ; anything else is 20% likely to be here .
3 Whether they will feel as enthusiastic after being deluged for three weeks with the results of the £30m-plus likely to be spent by the main parties is more questionable .
4 The third chest has a slightly decayed , but permanent , Magic Lock on it , such that an attempt at mechanical lock-picking is only 50% likely to be successful even if the lock-picker makes his Dex test to pick the lock .
5 If you need a rule of thumb , any item which is common or plentiful is 90% likely to be here ; any item which is average or scarce is 70% likely to be here ; anything else is 20% likely to be here .
6 The assessment would have taken account of the skills necessary to provide patient care and therefore indicate the grades of staff likely to be required .
7 In addition to the structure I have also provisionally examined the numbers of staff likely to be needed for Council Tax purposes having regard to experiences of Poll Tax over recent years .
8 In the evidence presented by Qureshi and Simons ( 1987 ) and also by Ungerson ( 1987 ) on who cares for elderly people , daughters-in-law ranked above sons as people likely to be providing such care .
9 These arguments for studying social policy have been addressed to people likely to be employed in the social services .
10 It could be that support from the 13 Ulster Unionist MPs likely to be elected on Thursday would be enough to see Mr Major home .
11 If you need a rule of thumb , any item which is common or plentiful is 90% likely to be here ; any item which is average or scarce is 70% likely to be here ; anything else is 20% likely to be here .
12 Are biographical works likely to be more reliable ?
13 Another species likely to be found in the North Atlantic is O. hystrix Lyman , 1878 , found off Havana , Cuba .
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