Example sentences of "[no cls] [pron] gave me " in BNC.

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1 Erm thanks very much for the directions er you gave me , it 's quite awkward coming off the main road there cos you really have
2 And he took me home , er he gave me a good talking to , and tell me dad , cos me , I nearly , I got a good hiding , was going to get a good hiding from me dad , until this policeman says , do n't worry , he says er , you wo n't hear anything about it .
3 And I went then and I and cos the b he to asked this man see , the foreman like there , and then er he gave me a job .
4 T V and your video and sh she gave me a card , that is the gospel truth I 'm not telling
5 Apart from given you a B yeah on why it 's just hanging in , must try a lot lot harder , gives me a B and then erm someone gave me a C someone gave me a C and said oh yeah gave me a C yeah
6 erm was it like erm you gave me a fair amount of
7 Oh very much so , yes new devotion , size , erm , it , it in one or two of these erm they gave me a definite feel and to a , to a , it new I was trying to write
8 is much more of a go down in colour , erm so I think probably if I 'd seen her , er prints I maybe I would of approached this erm differently , erm it gave me a very immense voice about crowds , erm , very , very different from the front of the picture apart from the alarm registered in the eyes of the , of the old woman erm , this is called Even Paradise Has Its End , sorry Even Paradise Has Its Price , sorry Ours in the night laying between sleep and arousal held in balance , fragile as dust on a scale , night spirit 's sit easy , in no hurry , even paradise has its price , would you like me to read that one again ?
9 and at eight o'clock I went home and anyway he went to pay me my weeks money and h he gave me an extra ten pound
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