Example sentences of "[no cls] [conj] i understand " in BNC.

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1 Right , if we do n't do it that way how will we pass that information , which a a as I understand it you want passed to the form tutor ?
2 Let me ask er let me ask Robert over here now Robert , er I see here it tells me that you were separated from Alison , Alison your first wife , er let me get this microphone right , you were separated from your first wife , this is your second wife , you were separated from your first wife er and I understand it was a clean break , it was a clean break with a court settlement ?
3 No er provided I understand .
4 Well I hope fairly broad on these figures but er So what we have here er as I understand it , is a broad series of options
5 The next point that I wanted to turn to is who the duty of care is owed owed to , er as I understand it the present law is quite clear .
6 Er Good er concludes that er stock lending is er no different from other aspects of er the market in general er as I understand it , stock lending as far as pension funds concerned , usually works with pension fund has this collection of stocks and shares .
7 er As I understand it the cost will be offset by the National Asthma Campaign .
8 Erm if I understand it correctly from from Mr Potter 's er table nine , the implication would be that the the Greater York figure would go up to a hundred and sixty one hectares based on thirty four to the acr hectare , that is correct ?
9 Er he was but er his wife is deceased erm but I understand he has remarried recently .
10 Erm as I understand the way P P G three was drafted , this was in response to the circumstances which had appertained before February ninety two .
11 well it would be very helpful if you 'd like to draft an order , erm as I understand it Mr there 's nothing which Mrs has asked for which you er contend I should er
12 It will have to be for us at least twenty one days , that 's the absolute rock bottom minimum I would have thought therefore the French I suspect have us over a barrel and we would have to cough up for the enormous expenditure of an extra building at Strasbourg which is not needed erm as I understand it er that er view I savoured I do n't erm have the details of that .
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