Example sentences of "[Wh det] allowed the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 In 1949 , Professor Ramsey introduced a crucial refinement to previous work on atomic beams which allowed the frequency of atomic vibrations to be measured with unprecedented accuracy .
2 It was Phillips 's 13th minute shot which allowed the Canaries to close in on the leaders , although there was more than a slice of luck about it as the ball hit Nick Henry before bouncing over the stranded Oldham keeper Paul Gerrard .
3 After the initial shock and disbelief , the Tysons grew angry — at the advisers who convinced them about Barlow Clowes , at the Midland bank manager who gave verbal assurances of its security , at the regulatory authorities responsible for the investment community and at the Department of Trade and Industry which allowed the company to trade .
4 This testing and results were the corner stone of the startup case which allowed the Unit to begin generating before the end of 1992 .
5 But they took her away instead and she was in gaol for a day and a night ; they released her because the State of Emergency ( 1960 ) which allowed the government to detain political prisoners without charge , had not yet been legally declared .
6 As a consequence , Sayers introduced the concept of metal straps between alternate segments which allowed the achievement of still greater power at efficiencies of some 50 per cent .
7 While the large firms were busy in the 1980s compromising the quality of audit in the search for fatter fees from more lucrative work , ‘ the professional bodies to which these accountants belong — possibly under a certain amount of external pressure — produced accounting ‘ standards ’ which allowed the management of businesses to portray results which were remote from the truth' .
8 Accountants are also investigating book-keeping practices which allowed the deficit to remain undiscovered .
9 The Treaty of Friendship , Co-operation and Security , which allowed the USA to continue using the Subic Bay naval base for 10 years in return for $203,000,000 in annual aid , was signed by Philippines Foreign Secretary Raul Manglapus and the US ambassador , Frank Wisner .
10 In November 1990 Singapore and the United States signed an agreement which allowed the USA increased use of Singapore 's military facilities [ see p. 37860 ] .
11 Only 35% of AA 's revenue came from auditing and accounting last year , which allowed the firm to increase its earnings by a reasonable 8% .
12 The decision was prompted by a US agreement with Hungary and Poland which allowed the US to monitor the use of advanced technology .
13 Fourteen months of negotiations between the Philippines and the United States were concluded on July 17 when the two sides agreed upon the terms of a new treaty which allowed the US military to continue to use its huge naval base at Subic Bay for a further 10 years after the expiry of the current lease .
14 It was this temporal hiatus , as much as anything , which allowed the Vietminh to assume power , particularly in the north , but when the Kuomintang Chinese armies of occupation moved in , nominally to take the surrender of Japanese troops but in fact to remove almost everything of value that was portable , they existed side by side in fruitful collaboration .
15 I shall suggest however that the philosophical framework which allowed the fathers to have a Christology which could be in some way inclusive of women has disappeared ; and moreover that even patristic Christology does not solve the problem .
16 Furthermore , a shareholders ' agreement required a majority of 75% for many important matters which allowed the 20% shareholder ( with its 26% of voting rights ) a veto over most major decisions .
17 The names and dates tell their own story : the Treason Act of 1842 , passed after an impotent attempt to frighten the sovereign by a young hunchback with a faultily loaded pistol ; the Vagrancy Act of 1824 which allowed the flogging of ‘ incorrigible rogues ’ , commonly elderly tramps , and which has come into more recent notoriety through the ‘ sus ’ laws ; the Diplomatic Privileges Act of 1708 which offered protection to Ambassadors and their servants ; and the Knacker 's Act of 1786 which dealt with the irregular slaughter of horses and cattle .
18 In 1944 , the government began to provide central support for workshops for the blind and disabled people which allowed the Edinburgh factory to invest in its future .
19 In the second century AD the emperor Hadrian developed a new relationship between Rome and the Greek heartlands , which allowed the culture of Classical and later Greece to flourish until late antiquity .
20 The first clean sheet on their travels , a fairly solid defence which allowed the home side only two clear chances , a midfield which showed finesse as well as strength , and a forward line which caused problems every time they moved forward .
21 In Britain , Hewett C. Watson ( 1804–81 ) worked on the variation of the flora with altitude in the Highlands of Scotland and pioneered a national census of plants , which allowed the country to be divided into a number of botanical provinces .
22 The only major royal intervention in the land market on the family 's behalf was the parliamentary act which allowed the Holland estates to be used as a patrimony for younger generations of the family .
23 The only major royal intervention in the land market on the family 's behalf was the parliamentary act which allowed the Holland estates to be used as a patrimony for younger generations of the family .
24 In the original exposition of the theory , Gibson ( 1940 ) assumed that explicit training , which allowed the formation of associations between stimuli and different distinctive consequences , might be necessary for differentiation to occur .
25 This formulation enabled Althusser to theorize a decentred totality which allowed the possibility of differences without reducing each instance to the operation of an essence or a single principle , such as the dialectic .
26 For each of these sites Jim recorded data on a number of variables indicative of soil erosion and site attractiveness which allowed the compilation of three index sites relating to high , medium and low levels of use .
27 The next day Ershad and his wife were formally arrested under the Special Powers Act , which allowed the authorities to detain them without charge for up to 120 days .
28 Since the election of the Tory Government of 1979 , which allowed the pound to rise on the back of North Sea oil in the early eighties and left British industry defenceless in the face of foreign competition , or ( according to your point of view ) exposed its inefficiency ( Vic inclines to the first view , but in certain moods will admit the force of the second ) , one-third of all the engineering companies in the West Midlands have closed down .
29 The wall to the right of the door was covered with tools of the trade — chisels and punches of every size , mostly with handles of twisted willow which allowed the smith to hold them whilst they were struck with a seven pound sledgehammer and feel no vibration .
30 Three days before the presidential elections , the military government on Dec. 11 , 1989 , granted the Central Bank full autonomy under new statutes which allowed the Finance Minister to attend meetings and to have a 15-day veto on policy .
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