Example sentences of "[Wh det] appear to [be] " in BNC.

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1 Emphasis must be placed on certain steps and their qualities which appear to be particular to one country and dances should be limited to those which can be recognised .
2 A High Commission official has interviewed Selahattin Ozberk , 30 , and a doctor who examined him said that he is potentially suicidal and has scars which appear to be from beatings in Turkey .
3 It is one of those forms of crime which appear to be ‘ catching ’ , as a disease is communicated from one country to another and one continent to another , like the importation of smallpox from India into London .
4 This weak growth is reflected in the CIA panel 's forecast for the industry 's sectors ( see table ) although , Freeman added , this was derived from the CSO 's production figures , which appear to be overestimated .
5 The fox 's role in shaping the ecology of the city 's wasteland is limited by stray dogs , which appear to be the animal 's main enemy in its urban surroundings .
6 Psychiatrists themselves are not certain exactly how they work but they replace certain amines which appear to be low in those suffering depression .
7 The so-called ‘ alternative ’ or ‘ complementary ’ medical scene embraces a large number of different ideas , theories and treatments , many of which appear to be in conflict with each other .
8 Because of the nature of the terrain — the land rocky and barren , the coastline highly indented — villages which appear to be close on the map can often be as far as 30 miles apart by winding road .
9 Sometimes conditions develop which appear to be relatively benign , the fish continue to feed well are active and seem happy .
10 Such a gross cyclicity is not , of course , to be confused with the much shorter-phase climatic cycles such as within the most recent , Pleistocene , ice age , which appear to be the consequence of an interaction of several astronomical variables ( Imbrie & Imbrie , 1979 ) .
11 Recently the neurochemists have come up with a set of toxins which appear to be fairly effective in destroying only cell bodies , leaving axons intact ( Kohler et al .
12 He aims to show that concepts which appear to be independent are actually interdependent , so that one can not abandon one and leave the others intact .
13 Aspects of this more sociological and humanistic interpretation of teaching quality will be developed within the chapter through a discussion of teacher cultures , careers and strategies , and their implications for the maintenance and persistence of those ‘ transmission ’ styles of classroom teaching which appear to be incurring official disapproval .
14 This rather crude form of collegial evaluation tends to induce a certain kind of conservatism in teachers , an attachment to existing classroom methods which appear to be reasonably successful in keeping results high and noise levels low .
15 One of the companies involved in what can only be described as the latest round of unity talks among the warring Unix camps , which appear to be being sponsored by Unix International Inc , says that for all the fear , uncertainty and doubt unleashed by Microsoft Corp with Windows NT , the initiative still lacks the compulsion that galvanised the part of the industry — led by those that saw Unix primarily as a threat — to form the Open Software Foundation five years ago .
16 Not only does municipal rubbish seem to be growing more slowly than many people imagine ; the components which appear to be increasing are not the ones that have attracted most attention .
17 Even novels which appear to be furthest removed from the lives of those who wrote them — the work of Kafka , of Lewis Carroll , of the contemporary feminist writer Marge Piercy — have drawn on the real life surroundings of their authors .
18 In addition , early cleavage stage blastomeres disaggregated and cultured individually or in small groups frequently give rise to " false blastocysts " which appear to be composed of only TE ( 26 and references cited therein ) .
19 In [ 13 ] , the change of syntactic form , although it makes the sentence more concise , has phonological consequences which appear to be undesirable .
20 The Commissioners take considerable trouble to ensure that all relevant arguments are canvassed in the written case , and will invite observations on issues which appear to be relevant and which have not been raised in the written case .
21 Greater weight is given to propositions which appear to be broadly consistent with the general law governing the area in which the proposition arises .
22 Connected speech processes ( CSP ) are phenomena such as the deletions and assimilations characteristic of allegro speech , which appear to be in some way phonetically motivated rather than linguistically arbitrary variation .
23 It is well known that teachers undertake a number of tasks which appear to be additional to their contractual duties and so voluntary .
24 Similarly , several alternative splice forms have been observed in tenascin which appear to be regulated during development ( 28,29 ) .
25 Situations occur where trade union negotiators set targets for achievement of these goals which appear to be at odds with the targets set by management for the organisation ( and its employees ) .
26 Constructional forms already described have been intricate in detail but simple in general outline , but some natural forms have origins which appear to be much more complicated .
27 Among them are such features as the screes of the Lake District , which may be fossil forms due to frost shattering in the closing phases of the Pleistocene ; dry valleys in Chalk areas , which have been discussed in Chapter 7 ; some of the gravel river terraces , which , although composed of coarse gravel , have gradients less than those of present rivers , which appear to be capable of transporting no material coarser than sand and mud .
28 The notebooks show that Nietzsche was prepared to rethink the precise shape of the book well into 1871 , but almost all of the numerous plans there — including some which appear to be earlier than " Socrates and Instinct " — point to a book centrally concerned with tragedy and recognizably related to BT .
29 It differs from the Biogas specimen in the shape of the dorsal arm spines , which appear to be equal and nearly an arm segment long .
30 ‘ The matters to which regard is to be had in particular … are any of the following which appear to be relevant — ; ( a ) the strength of the bargaining positions of the parties relative to each other , taking into account ( among other things ) alternative means by which the customer 's requirements could have been met ; ( b ) whether the customer received an inducement to agree to the term , or in accepting it had an opportunity of entering into a similar contract with other persons , but without having to accept a similar term ; ( c ) whether the customer knew or ought reasonably to have known of the existence of the term ( having regard , among other things , to any custom of the trade and any previous course of dealing between the parties ) ; ( d ) where the term excludes or restricts any relevant liability if some condition is not complied with , whether it was reasonable at the time of the contract to expect that compliance with that condition would be practic-able ; ( e ) whether the goods were manufactured , processed or adapted to the special order of the customer . ’
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