Example sentences of "[Wh det] might once have " in BNC.

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1 Mrs Janet Postance , Landscore 's head , carries about with her a cardboard box which might once have held apples , now replaced with documents relating to the national curriculum , the Devon Education Authority curriculum and her own school curriculum .
2 The upstairs restaurant was a split-level affair which might once have been elegant .
3 I have discovered two new rooms in the tower ; the lower , immediately above the fan ceiling , has bell ropes dangling and is obviously still in use , whilst the upper is bare , dusty boards apart from a giant treadmill in the centre which might once have been used for hauling up stone but is clearly redundant now .
4 They were in another disused , rubble-filled space which might once have been a yard or garden .
5 So I walked beneath the trees and found just under my feet pieces of old concrete and what might once have been bits of wall .
6 He landed in a heap of what might once have been straw .
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