Example sentences of "[Wh det] we 'd [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 The Hairflair stand attracted thousands of hair enthusiasts , all eager to see the January issue which we 'd printed especially early for the show .
2 Not the sitting room across the hall , to which we 'd retired after dinner .
3 The weather was better for the flight back along the north coast , and we got views of the 8,000-foot-plus Picos de Europa which we 'd missed on the way down .
4 When we had an exchange visit from ICI operators at Billingham , they were surprised to learn that their safety suits contained materials which we 'd made from their phenol , ’ said Bob Hodson .
5 Er at the last conference er both Kerry and myself buttonholed him er and proposed that we er push it a bit further and er the re upshot of that was that we wrote him a much more detailed letter er on whatever date it was , er first of November ninety three , and we 've now had a er a reply er to that er giving us carte blanche to quote him er w with er a number of er quotations which we 'd drafted and put into his mouth , so er a all the quotations that we 've asked him to approve we can use .
6 We we had a cost of living bonus when it was practically unknown to have a cost of liv , which we 'd had er er since er immediately after the First World War , nineteen nineteen time .
7 It also involved us in playing ‘ When the Saints ’ ( which we 'd resisted up to then ) for the two policemen who caught us parked on a double yellow line .
8 The goons have discovered part of an old dismantled ladder which we 'd used for earlier trials and we think it may put them onto something . ’
9 Of course , we knew roughly what was in store for us , but it exceeded what we 'd imagined .
10 It 's a crazy situation , because when Clarke was the Home Secretary , and he made a , a speech in parliament , we adjourned a meeting of the Authority to listen to him speaking , now we 'd already made applications er , to increase the number complete officers by the , getting rid of the superintendents , and Clarke came out with what we 'd said , yes , do that , but the Home Office are still saying no you ca n't .
11 Erm Do you wan na do that , have a look at what we 'd said in Ormskirk
12 It was possible to have a good Christmas , but a change had been forced onto us and it was different from what we 'd planned .
13 There were other acts by then like Morecambe and Wise and they were doing to us what we 'd done to others in our time .
14 ‘ Bill , what would you do if one of the gang went out at night and told someone all about us , and what we 'd done ?
15 Er we showed him one or two examples of similar sorts of presentations that we 'd had from other railway and outside organizations , er explained what we 'd done in the past , said that we were looking to get something more up-market and more erm professional , which was why we were looking to er er seek er quotes from er g graphics designers , linked in with printers .
16 So I had to come back and sort of say to Ray , you know , if we go for that bid it 's not likely to be supported , erm so we , what we 'd done is a different bid which still includes investors but it 's , it 's a bit broader than that .
17 I could have forgotten all the times we had enjoyed together , where we 'd been , what we 'd done ?
18 If only what we 'd done had given proof
19 and yeah we did forget the first paragraph of the of what we had learned so we just covered what we 'd done really
20 ‘ We were asking people what we 'd done wrong down there .
21 Did we talk about where we 'd been and what we 'd done , what we 'd seen and what had happened ?
22 Tom and Terry , but especially Terry , wanted to know everything about us immediately : where we 'd been to school ; what we 'd studied ; the history of the British constitution , or lack of it from an American point of view ; what the real situation was in Ireland ; why did n't Brian hit me when I responded to a proffered cigarette with , ‘ Fuck off out of my life , you wheedling Irish bastard ’ ?
23 " After I told you what we 'd seen . "
24 Later that week on The Gloria Hunniford Show we tried to explain what we 'd seen — and found ourselves , without prior consultation , wrestling each other to the ground and rolling all over each other .
25 When the hundred came up it weas from a very different Hick and Worcestershhire to what we 'd seen this morning .
26 And of course my boss because he had n't listed what we 'd seen
27 Did we talk about where we 'd been and what we 'd done , what we 'd seen and what had happened ?
28 ‘ I asked ( I was trying to fit in what we 'd heard of him ) about his having passed out of the Ecole Normale so high , which had rather impressed me .
29 But the intricacies , I know more about Europe , eventually , and other countries , due to not being having a a briefing by a Headmaster for half an hour of something The group of us , he had eight to ten of us in the room trying to prime us on what we 'd missed for a year .
30 Not with a thing like a outputs of aspirin , I mean everyone in Boots knows what the outputs of aspirin are just strange that they are in fact three times what we 'd thought they were and we 've course there 's Crooks , course there 's this , course there 's that tremendous discernment , tremendous understanding but if you have n't got that tremendous understanding , you 've just joined the company , you think you know something and you do n't because not what they think they are
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