Example sentences of "[Wh det] he believed [prep] " in BNC.

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1 In seeking to grasp this dynamic , and portray it , he had become enthused with the duende , the spirit unleashed by the flamenco — music and dance — which he believed to be the dynamic of true art and artistic expression : ‘ Repel the angel , kick out the muse , ’ , he was wont to exclaim ; arguing that artists must work ‘ from the gut , ’ with the conviction and intensity that the expression exudes ; allowing the life-force it releases to flow — torrentially , vividly , dramatically ; as in the flamenco itself .
2 On 20 June 1757 , Bartram acknowledged the February letter , together with six cedar cones , parts of the Dictionary and Figures , and confirmed that he had sent the Gale which he believed to be a new genus ; in this he was right , for L'Heritier later founded the genus Comptonia upon it .
3 That this was an ill-advised step is very clear to us , but Eadmer was only pressing a claim which he believed to be inherent in the original jurisdiction of Canterbury .
4 Buxton initiated his Civilization Society in part because he feared that to wait for antislavery principles to permeate foreign societies of slaveholders , which he believed to be BFASS policy , ‘ would cost us half a century , and that implies the sacrifice of twenty five millions of the human race ’ .
5 De Gaulle had not set out to destroy the EEC , but to remould it in a more appropriate form , where the ‘ ambiguities ’ and ‘ mistakes ’ which he believed to be contained within the Treaty of Rome would be eliminated .
6 He had ascertained during daylight that the lavatory was diagonally across the passage from his room door , and , as the passage was now unlit and he was unable to find the light switch , he crossed the passage in the dark and , by feeling his way , came to a door which he believed to be that of the lavatory , but which was in fact a door leading to the basement .
7 " We have a constant succession of inexperienced teachers in the junior department , " he declared , and attributed the bad standard of education of the deaf to this factor and the prevailing negative attitude to signing , which he believed to be " a good servant , but a bad master . "
8 Crookes ' lectures were illustrated by brilliant and striking experiments , especially with the cathode rays , which he believed to be a stream of particles ; but his physics and mathematics were not sufficient for him to produce quantitative work in this field .
9 Last October his political career seemed over when , at its Harrogate conference , the party adopted a proabortion stance , which he believed to be repugnant .
10 But he was the most persuasive speaker in the house , for he had a cause which he believed in morally .
11 He gives us a picture of a firm conversion to theism in the summer of 1929 , followed by a period in which he believed in God , but not in the doctrines of Christianity .
12 I would owe that to my father … to try and understand something which he believed in enough to die for ? ’
13 Mr Ahmet Koc , aged 34 , told the General Medical Council 's professional conduct committee in London that after coming to England with the promise of employment last year , he had first been taken to the surgery of Dr Raymond Crockett for what he believed to be a medical examination for a job .
14 Mr Ahmet Koc , aged 34 , told the General Medical Council 's professional conduct committee in London that after coming to England with the promise of employment last year , he had first been taken to the surgery of Dr Raymond Crockett for what he believed to be a medical examination for a job .
15 He took the envelope from Sandison who also handed over what he believed to be enough money to cover the postage .
16 The judge was satisfied he told what he believed to be the truth about his fear for his own safety and his shock and horror at the suffering and death of many men , some of them friends .
17 What de Gaulle wanted was not just a ‘ Europe of states ’ , but one that would both be free from what he believed to be an intrusive and unacceptable American influence , and acknowledge some substantial element of French leadership .
18 He planned to engage what he believed to be weak Russian formations advancing from the east .
19 He wished now he had not given her what he believed to be a very beautiful nightdress , creamy and ruffled : he had seen her look at Frederica 's books and had understood what he had half-sensed on the occasion of Frederica 's telegrams , her sense of loss .
20 But it was useless appealing to a man who always did what he believed to be his duty , however unpleasant it was .
21 However , Vuk was too honest and too independent-minded to please Miloš , and when he again crossed over to Zemun in April 1832 he wrote a frank letter , telling Miloš what he believed to be wrong with his regime and advising him to introduce a constitution .
22 He was an outspoken opponent of episcopal pretensions and a staunch upholder of what he believed to be the ancient rights of the monastery of Evesham .
23 The King was in no position to make such a decision and , in any case , Baldwin had already decided to meet Parliament when he met the King on 10 December , and so the King did not even have to persuade him to adopt what he believed to be the correct course .
24 He was using the middle classes as a reference group ; aspiring to what he believed to be their values of ‘ honour ’ and ‘ duty ’ .
25 He had said it speaking what he believed to be truth and justice , said it and left it .
26 What he does is to appeal to what he believed to be certain facts of human nature .
27 Halting , she accidentally met his cynical gaze and was immediately acutely conscious once more of what he believed of her .
28 He was a successful president not because he ‘ focused ’ — few men can have done so less — and not because he was the ‘ great communicator ’ , but because he knew who he was and what he believed in .
29 " But at least he died for what he believed in ! "
30 In The Ring his pride in being on his own had met with confusion and Isaac and Seth , too , seemed to challenge what he wanted , what he believed in , how he lived — though understandingly enough , he knew .
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