Example sentences of "[Wh det] [vb base] been described " in BNC.

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1 This led him to numerous adventures in penetrating to Kabul and beyond , which have been described by Smith , Barber-Lomax , and especially Alder , who studied much of the terrain , in enthusiastic detail .
2 At present , only general guidelines to management can be provided , based largely on the characteristics of the behaviour which have been described .
3 The methods which have been described in detail in Chapter Three will be dealt with briefly here and emphasis will be placed on methods particularly suitable for online training .
4 It is considered that something in the region of 40g daily should be quite sufficient to protect your health in all the ways which have been described , and to make it much easier for you to control your weight in the future .
5 The gharial has evolved the most extraordinarily long , slim , almost beak-like jaws , which have been described as looking like the handle of a saucepan .
6 It has features in common with both the Mississippi Valley Type ( MVT ) and the SEDEX ( SEDimentary EXhalative ) styles of mineral deposit which have been described by Anderson and Macqueen ( 1982 ) and Large ( 1983 ) respectively .
7 The authors of the Convention perceived the need for some balancing provision , some safeguards for defendants , and Articles 15 and 16 contain carefully constructed guarantees which have been described as the keystone of the text .
8 Unlike national insurance benefits , the award of supplementary benefit depended in the bulk of cases on the exercise of discretionary powers , which have been described as ‘ wide , problematic and in some cases ambiguous ’ .
9 It may be reasonably confidently assumed that the different criteria for ambiguity which have been described in fact are sensitive to the same underlying semantic property , and that in the absence of ‘ special factors ’ will provide identical diagnoses .
10 The other ‘ fixing ’ agents , which have been described in this chapter , act to create a catch-22 situation .
11 These forms , which have been described by King and Williams ( 1949 ) , are characteristic of tideless seas , such as the Mediterranean and the Baltic .
12 Salt crystallisation effects , which have been described in Chapter 3 , have recently figured more prominently in explanations of desert weathering .
13 In addition to the conventional sources and methods of financing construction projects which have been described here , recent developments point to a more flexible approach to the way in which public sector infrastructure projects are financed .
14 Pigs , grain , potatoes and some breeding sheep were also sold through the system , which involves potential buyers bidding from computer terminals in their own offices for livestock , grain , etc. which have been described in detail to them .
15 Those in the latter group — the reluctant early retirers — conform directly to what have been described in the USA as ‘ discouraged workers ' ( Sorrentino 1981 : 168 ; and for a discussion of the discouraged worker effect based on British Labour Force survey data , see Laczko 1987 ) .
16 He became the lover of one of the ladies , Tarquinia Molza , and in his Eighth Book of five-part madrigals ( Venice , 1586 ) he published two examples of what have been described as forerunners of the concerto da camera , ‘ Vezzosi augelli ’ and ‘ Non e si denso velo ’ .
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