Example sentences of "[Wh det] [pers pn] was gon " in BNC.

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1 What I was gon na suggest is that , we actually put something in the bulletin , not in the sense of , well , you know please report your illnesses kind of thing , but if we just make people aware of actually this sort of environmental control thing would be a good idea .
2 I 'll tell you what I was gon na do er I was gon na point out two things .
3 Wh what I was gon na su
4 What I was gon na suggest , what I was gon na suggest was that anything that we
5 What I was gon na suggest , what I was gon na suggest was that anything that we
6 Er I was g I will say what I was gon na say .
7 Sorry what I was gon na suggest on that in a way this is kind of preempting something else , you know , the , the bit on the agenda for it , I always put them in its back , back together when I write , erm
8 Fourthly that each child on that action plan would have outlined where they would hope to go and following that have found out what the requirements are , the possible pathway through and if they are n't sure , I was gon , what I was gon na ask was , if I could have a careers teacher in to talk to form about possible pathway through , i in the general terms so they 've got these four outcomes there .
9 But what I was gon na say if you can might well be Terry
10 Now , what I was gon na do now was go through this quoick transformation right , you 're not gon na be asked t to produce it in an exam or anything like that , but the reason why I 'm doing it now is that you will need it for your er , your Q M exam not er your exam , your project right , cos there is a similar applicat , it 's quite a commonly used tool you 'll find er , where wherever we have a , erm , an expression with an infinite number of erm possibilities or an in infinite number of arguments .
11 Yes that 's what I was gon na say .
12 That that 's that 's what I was gon na get at .
13 Yes that 's what I was gon na ask you do you arrive early morning or do you move in the Sunday night .
14 What I was gon na come onto there is erm can we e e that would involve manning would n't it ?
15 I 've forgotten what I was gon na say !
16 And what I was gon na say Alan was , perhaps like Mr you know we had one of the ones sitting here that did go up to two services .
17 But mind ya , more like a , but what I was gon na say is ,
18 not giving me much chance to get done what I was gon na do though
19 What I was gon na say , you 're asking me , you asked me , you 're asking me you asked me about
20 What I was gon na ask you actually erm or maybe I should ask Jean , I do n't know erm
21 Oh that what I was gon na show you that 's Peter he bought it and did n't want it , you look at this month 's Prima for Christmas .
22 I know what I was gon na do .
23 I was only going to get out what I was gon na give to you to put it , you said you were putting it in
24 You 're not , you , I , what I was gon na say is , are you interested in a caravan at Rudyard ?
25 Erm , are you going to erm oh I 've forgotten what I was gon na say
26 Oh I know what I was gon na say to you .
27 He said he I said did you get it from Bramson Toys , he goes yeah I mean oh no I did n't no , no no cos he knew what I was gon na say I said did you get it from W H Smith ?
28 Yeah well that 's what I was gon na say , so forget about the other blue ones they can have that .
29 That 's what I was gon na say !
30 we 're going which is exactly what I was gon na say .
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