Example sentences of "[Wh det] [vb past] be due " in BNC.

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1 In each case the Canadian fiction of a supposedly identical sovereign was repudiated ; and in each case the continuance of a unity which had been due only to the former British connection was made a prior condition for even pretending to play the Canadian game .
2 The corporation will pay the estimated £250,000 costs of the action , which had been due for trial in January .
3 Dalgliesh was interested that the Director had chosen to wait with the rest of the staff in the library , and wondered whether this was intended to demonstrate solidarity with his colleagues , or was , tactful admission that his office was one of the rooms which had been due to receive Mrs. Bidwell 's early morning attention , and must , therefore , be of special interest to Dalgliesh .
4 A proposal by Milosevic that the congress should continue without the Slovene delegation was rejected , and in the early hours of Jan. 23 Pancevski finally declared that the session , which had been due to adopt the full congress declaration and resolutions on the congress debate , as well as elect a new party leadership , had been adjourned .
5 The Pact for Economic Stability and Growth [ see p. 37078 ] , which had been due to expire on March 31 , 1990 , was on Dec. 4 , 1989 , extended until July 31 , 1990 .
6 In what was presented as action to protect its foreign exchange reserves ( which had fallen to $5,600 million according to government sources ) the government on July 5 , 1989 , informed the " Paris Club " group of creditors that it was temporarily deferring payment of $812,000,000 in interest which had been due on June 30 and July 3 .
7 The mandate of the provisional President , Joseph Nerette , which had been due to expire on Jan. 8 after a three-month term , was extended indefinitely [ see p. 38523 ] .
8 The team headed by Michel Desgranges which had been due to leave Iraq on March 13 , postponed its departure after the discovery of hundreds of additional leaking chemical rockets .
9 Mswati did not specify who would decide on the incorporation of the Vusela-2 recommendations into a new constitution , neither did he give a new date for elections , which had been due in November , although he said on Oct. 26 that they would be held in the first half of 1993 .
10 Three controversial referendums on abortion which had been due to take place on Dec. 3 [ see p. 39160 ] were brought forward to Nov. 25 to coincide with the general election .
11 Azeri pressure was also said to be behind Turkey 's decision not to go ahead with deliveries of electricity amounting to 30-35 Mw per day , which had been due to start on Dec. 1 .
12 An RAF base which had been due to close next year as part of the Government 's defence cuts is stay open and be taken over by the army .
13 The Russian 's group arrived in Iraq about the same time as a team of 13 inspectors , which had been due to leave the country yesterday , announced it was staying on .
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