Example sentences of "[Wh det] [modal v] probably be " in BNC.

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1 This is a question which should probably be considered by sociolinguists working in cities with a demographic structure of the kind described .
2 It was their own indolence which had landed them with a murder which could probably be explained and might even have been prevented , if they had taken a bit more trouble .
3 The shibboleth of the DM3 standard should not stand in the way of entry at a realistic level , which would probably be at around DM2.80 to the pound .
4 Hundreds of ordinary men and women are highly competent interviewers , and a glance at some of the very complex interview schedules used by market research firms and the government research agencies show that they are capable of carrying out very intricate interviews which would probably be beyond the capabilities of many untrained academics !
5 45760 : A voracious Beethoven Fifth , with an element of aggression that comes entirely from within and which would probably be absurd if anyone tried to re-create it .
6 Christian Aid has encouraged me to see whether it is feasible to work towards a nationally-recognized , cross-agency , accredited system of training in human resource development , concentrating on communication and campaigning skills , which would probably be organized in a modular/portfolio style .
7 Actions will suffice , at least if " an ordinary reasonable man " would realise that a demand was being made : Collister ( 1955 ) 39 Cr App R 100 , a case which would probably be followed today .
8 He will have to call an election which will probably be contested by Richard Thorpe , the 1989 stroke , Calman McLennan , a fourth-year medical student , and Richard Hull , the post-graduate from Cambridge .
9 Next , I want to set up a couple of special features which will probably be planted in containers .
10 You need more volume for a full hall than an empty one , so allow for that when you 're testing — which will probably be in an empty hall .
11 Researchers are now looking at what happens to pesticides and industrial organic solvents , which will probably be the next threat to groundwater quality .
12 The writer of the research report will want to draw together his results into a short statement of findings , which will probably be verbal rather than numerical at this stage , and where some sub-hypotheses have been substantiated and others negated the problem is not an easy one .
13 The proposal , which will probably be taken up by the NUS , is for a ‘ national crèche scheme ’ .
14 ‘ My next project will be an 11-tone whistle which will probably be fitted to Ralph here at Snowdon ’ .
15 Novell Inc chief financial officer James Tolonen says he is comfortable with analysts ' estimates that the Provo , Utah company will do between $1.00 to $1.05 a share on an operating basis in the fiscal year to October 31 compared with $0.81 a share last fiscal ; the acquisition of Unix System Laboratories Inc will require a one-time charge of between $0.30 and $0.60 a share , which will probably be taken against third quarter figures , and there is also expected to be a $0.02 a share amortisation charge .
16 You will also have to allow for the time lag between installation and productive use which will probably be months rather than weeks or days .
17 Preliminary and selected findings will appear in volume 8 of History , which will probably be published by Oxford University in 1993 .
18 Provisions which will probably be conditions from the beginning deal with aspects such as the time for delivery and the description of the actual computer concerned .
19 Time runs from the date of the breach , which will probably be no later than the date of the publication of the decision .
20 This yields 5.15 per cent , at the moment , but we are getting to a situation in the market which will probably be good news for the fund manager 's philosophy .
21 An undated letter from John Howard to the duke of Norfolk , which can probably be assigned to 1469 , assured Norfolk of Gloucester 's good will : ‘ I did remember your lordship to my lord , promising you I found my lord as well disposed toward you as any lord may be to another … whereof I was right glad to hear it . ’
22 An undated letter from John Howard to the duke of Norfolk , which can probably be assigned to 1469 , assured Norfolk of Gloucester 's good will : ‘ I did remember your lordship to my lord , promising you I found my lord as well disposed toward you as any lord may be to another … whereof I was right glad to hear it . ’
23 Most notable was the small but marked increase in delivery time between 13.15 and 14.00 which can probably be accounted for by the gradual build-up of demand at a time when lunchtime rosters have effectively halved the number of bookfetching staff on duty , while a similar increase in delivery times for books requested between 16.45 and 17.00 ( when demand is falling ) is probably attributable to the change in shift and reduction in bookfetching staff which occurs at 17.00 .
24 Then came Hiroshima and Nagasaki , and miraculously the whole things was over , instead of our having to face what would probably be a long naval and air war against Japan , which we should of course have won in the end — after unthinkable losses of men and equipment .
25 If the IRB has any qualms in answering these questions come April 1992 , they should think very carefully if South Africa is to be a serious contender in what would probably be the first genuine and major international event ever held in the country .
26 And it was a sad end to what will probably be the final F1 appearance for some time by two of the sport 's greatest protagonists .
27 Also , in what will probably be a monochrome house , he has a dash of that odd vividness with which Yorkshire , while talking about its dourness , often comes up .
28 I am grateful for the opportunity to make a brief contribution to the early stages of what will probably be the longest general election campaign in modern times .
29 The prison officers can not afford accommodation in both places — in fact , they can not afford accommodation in either — and they are contemplating leaving the prison service for what will probably be a life on the dole .
30 Some are further ahead than others , but what will probably be expected of most authorities is some sort of erm perhaps a handbook or certainly some advice to parents about the implications of the new Act .
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