Example sentences of "[Wh det] [pron] 'd taken " in BNC.

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1 He 'd given her a few sugar pieces , which she 'd taken , and even offered several pinches of snuff , which she had n't .
2 By the time coffee was served , however , Fabia was feeling enchanted , intoxicated — and it had nothing to do with the glass of South Moravian Vavřinecké , which she 'd taken with her main course .
3 ‘ They came in their full march into the town with about 60 or 70 coloureds borne before them which they 'd taken at the Battle of Edgehill from the Parliament 's forces .
4 And he had found a tumbler and another bottle of Famous Grouse from which he 'd taken , at most , two tots .
5 She left him in front of a café and as she drove away to follow the complex instructions back to the raccordo she saw him in her mirror , standing with his hand still raised in the sort of military salute with which he 'd taken his leave of her .
6 Her father had a past which he 'd taken pains to cover up .
7 He wore a priest 's cassock and clerical collar and seemed perfectly at home in the sacristy at the back of the church to which he 'd taken me .
8 In the big chief 's private office Hartley informs me casually that what I 'd taken to be a ping pong ball-firing toy gun on the table behind me was actually an automatic 12-bore shotgun capable of delivering a dozen lethal rounds in quick succession .
9 In the big chief 's private office Hartley informs me casually that what I 'd taken to be a ping pong ball-firing toy gun on the table behind me was actually an automatic 12-bore shotgun capable of delivering a dozen lethal rounds in quick succession .
10 I mean one Friday I come , I left here about ten to one I went in the house and I went to bed and I was starving and Gordon says oh I 'm hungry I , so I went out straight down the stairs , come back up with a bloody big tray cups of teas now when I , after drinking down here , pasties now what I 'd taken home what I did n't sell here , crisps , sandwiches and a after I 'd ate it I felt so guilty .
11 At that time I did n't pause to wonder if he 'd realized exactly what he 'd taken on when he first became involved with Nigel 's funeral arrangements ; I did later , and often , with deep and loving gratitude .
12 They were n't alone ; and then the next thought was that Sandy must have come up from below and was now standing on the quay , but then that thought died as what he 'd taken for her shadow came out from under the stairway .
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