Example sentences of "[Wh det] [pron] [vb mod] take " in BNC.

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1 This is usually taken to reflect a generalized normative expectation that women are the appropriate carers ; although empirical evidence about normative expectations is actually fairly sparse ( a point which I shall take up in chapter 5 ) .
2 That is not a matter that I can take into consideration other than to say that I am satisfied that the proper figure for a multiplier for working life , er which I shall take in this case , is the multiplier of sixteen contended for by Mr .
3 Certainly Americans see it as being very different from their home-grown shows and for some reason they all seem to think that I ask rather cheeky questions , which I 'll take as a compliment .
4 This was a thoroughly inspired performance by the team , for which I must take all the credit .
5 For instance , I can see that writing this book is a function of my job and as such is part of the responsibility of earning a living , but it is also an escape for me , a kind of haven to which I can take refuge from the hundred and one pressures that impinge on the practical business of living .
6 Anyway , I took four samples of the drinking water which I will take to the races this evening . ’
7 This is a worthy guide which I will take care to read before alighting from the train at Aldershot station to begin what will be my tenth election campaign .
8 He was also closely involved with George Birkbeck [ q.v. ] and the popular education movement , contending for each child to ‘ have that given to it which nobody can take away ’ .
9 Assuming that you have determined that the line is biased to starboard , and you therefore want to start near the starboard end of the line , there are still a number of considerations which you must take into account before you can put yourself in the right place as the gun is fired .
10 Oh you have a bag of something in the sweet box in the cupboard in the kitchen which you must take and put on your desk .
11 Investing in quality home improvements is not difficult , but there are guidelines which you should take care to follow .
12 Its history goes back to Saxon times , and it contains several interesting historical buildings , and a peaceful marina , from which you can take a river cruise .
13 Easily Accessible : Bala lies beside a four-mile long lake ( which you can take a steam-train ride around ) and is surrounded by three mountain ranges .
14 There are two ways in which you can take advantage of SWIFTAIR 's priority handling .
15 There is also a highly scenic road which you can take up on to the open ski grounds and expansive prospects of Hautacam .
16 And I 've got some itineraries which you can take away , if you want .
17 Well you got you got three months from the date of termination which you can take as effect from the twenty second of June to make a claim to the industrial tribunal .
18 The idea of the tour which you can take yourselves .
19 You will learn how to design and make things using all of the above and produce actual models which you can take home .
20 You could sign up for a series of courses , which you could take at your own pace .
21 What , however , caused almost universal consternation was my suggestion that we should go a stage further and see whether it was possible to introduce ‘ portable ’ pensions — pensions which you could take from one job to another .
22 Henry wondered where the brake cable was , what it looked like , whether it was the kind of thing to which you could take a saw .
23 Julie decided to top up her Californian suntan until Kitty Summerville called lunch , after which she would take a casual stroll to another of her favourite haunts as a child , the old summer house on the river bank .
24 Having filed that fact away in her head , she was glad of Ven 's assistance when , passing a wine store , she asked him if there was a local brew which she could take back to her father .
25 Ms Callil is apparent delighted with this rather alarmingly styled position , which she will take upon her 55th birthday on 15th July .
26 There was a ha-ha , and there had once been a maze : garden features which one might take to represent the outside and inside views of B.P. as an institution !
27 However , there are several points of detail on which one might take issue with him .
28 There is a small landing-stage to which one can take a caique from the port .
29 A major issue is the extent to which one can take account of the tendency among some people to say that all is well and that they are satisfied with their lot when , objectively , they are living in poverty and destitution .
30 It 's hard to say which one will take the most careful handling , especially in view of the fact that Calder is reported to be considering backing the building of the new radio station .
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