Example sentences of "[am/are] entitled to be " in BNC.

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1 They sing and they dance and they act , and they do not believe unless they are profoundly proficient in all three that they 're entitled to be considered gypsies .
2 Let alone the news from Panama — I 'm entitled to be queasy .
3 ‘ I 'm entitled to be conceited , ’ claimed Memet , who had been spoiled by his mother .
4 ‘ As I 'm always on time for my breakfast show , I consider I 'm entitled to be late for everything else . ’
5 European diplomats say that Reginald Bartholomew , the under-secretary of state for security assistance , has warned them against doing anything with the WEU that undermines NATO or freezes out the Americans from security talks at which they think they are entitled to be present .
6 But our individual employees are entitled to be treated at least as fairly as their colleagues in Europe .
7 If you have a contractual right to commission or a bonus , you are entitled to be compensated for what you have lost as a result of a wrongful dismissal .
8 After nomination the candidate is entitled to be present at the issue of postal ballot papers , to visit the polling stations and the candidate , the candidate 's spouse ( if any ) , and ( except in parish or community elections ) the candidate 's election agent are entitled to be present at the count together with a number of counting agents .
9 Persons under 18 but who will attain the age during the current year are entitled to be registered in anticipation of attaining that age .
10 It suggests that the courts are entitled to be satisfied that certain minimal procedural requirements have been fulfilled but that , thereafter , and provided that they are fulfilled , no objection can be taken to the validity of the Act on grounds of its substantial content .
11 So perhaps we should not be surprised — though we are entitled to be shocked — at the steamy photos on the Emmerdale calendar .
12 ‘ People are entitled to be angry — the cynical deceit of the Tory election campaign , the easy promise that all the economy needed was the reassurance of a Tory victory , all now exposed in the harsh light of the real world . ’
13 All those people and organisations who were involved in the accident , such as the operators and the manufacturers of the aircraft , the pilots and other crew members , Air Traffic Control , the Civil Aviation Authority , the passengers and anyone else who in the opinion of the commissioner has a proper interest in the accident , are entitled to be represented ; usually by counsel briefed by solicitors , but laymen are not excluded .
14 Senior management who truly support the right to continuing education for all learners are worth their weight in gold to lecturers who may be struggling to persuade colleagues , in their own department/school/division or otherwise , that students with special needs are entitled to be included in the further education system .
15 On satisfactory completion of the period of apprenticeship , trainee solicitors are entitled to be formally admitted as solicitors and to describe themselves as such .
16 We do not think the criterion can be put any better or more clearly than it is put in R.S.C. , Ord. 62 , r. 12(2) and would hold that , on the true construction of the 18 February 1985 mortgage , the defendants are entitled to be paid or to retain out of the mortgaged property all their actual costs , charges and expenses ( including the receivers ' remuneration ) except in so far they are of an unreasonable amount or have been unreasonably incurred and with any doubts as to whether the costs have been reasonably incurred or are reasonable in amount being resolved in favour of the defendants .
17 Recipients of services , whether they are referred to as users , clients or patients , are entitled to be consulted about their treatment and care and to participate as fully as possible in decisions about their lives .
18 For that reason , conservatives who reject the idea of change , who cling to past ideas and ideologies , while we may not agree with them , are entitled to be understood and their reluctance to face the pain of change respected .
19 For surely it is on those achievements we are entitled to be judged .
20 It is that all young people under 18 who are not in full-time education or a job and who are seeking youth training are entitled to be offered and , if necessary , re-offered any number of times entry to a suitable YT programme and to receive such training .
21 I think we are entitled to be told why .
22 A high proportion of equity capital is a safeguard for creditors since they are entitled to be paid in full before the owners receive anything on liquidation .
23 ( a ) If during a break you are not allowed to leave your station and may be called on to perform some duties , you are entitled to be paid for that break .
24 A high proportion of equity capital is a safeguard for creditors since they are entitled to be paid in full before the owners receive anything on liquidation .
25 You are entitled to be paid for the proportion of the work that you have done and that it was reasonable for you to do .
26 Others are entitled to be notified of the date , time and place of the first hearing or directions appointment but are not automatically parties .
27 Plaintiffs should not assume that they are entitled to be " whitewashed " by a defendant who has paid them merely nominal damages , and it would be more satisfactory if judges made some enquiries of the parties before they approve statements which are made as matters of public record .
28 Yes I think that may be right my Lord , indeed er if we succeed on the way out , get get out of the contract point then of course the plaintiff 's case is that they would have taken that advice and would not have entered into the contract a and therefore on that basis they are entitled to be compensated on the basis that all the losses they unnecessarily incurred by having , being forced to complete , should be recoverable , subject to er litigation of loss and .
29 Well , there are millions of people who are missing from electoral registers , who are people who are entitled to be registered and the problem is probably the greatest among those who are known as attainers and are qualifying for registration at eighteen for the first time in their lives , the numbers of attainers er qualifying has reduced percentage wise , year by year , especially since the introduction of the poll tax and has not been rectified by the measures that remove the poll tax .
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