Example sentences of "[am/are] put [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Parents : Help when they 're put to the test Maggie Drummond offers hints on helping children knuckle down at exam time
2 Er to , to work the truth out of things , one has to think what Adam , Adam had lost in the beginning , what Jesus had to gain back , cos according to the Corinthian 's letter that erm Jesus came back to buy back what Adam had lost and if you can work out what Adam had lost in the , in the first place , then you can see the point why you 're put on the earth and you can see that it , that he , he was given a commandment not to take off the , the tree of kno knowledge written by were n't he ?
3 So I 'm put into the hands of what used to be called ‘ Wardrobe ’ but now has the grander title of ‘ Costume Designers ’ , who are keen for me to join the twentieth century sartorially , which would involve climbing into one of those colossal suits .
4 When I 'm put beneath the ground , every penny I own … every piece of property , every square inch of land , every stick of furniture and even the clothes on my back … it 's all to go my son .
5 I 'm put in the guard 's van and sometimes the guard does n't even come to see if I 'm alright .
6 Friday the 13th , Nightmare on Elm Street , Alien , Dead Ringers and all those spine-tinglers we watch as we munch our popcorn are put under the microscope in the first part of Channel 4 's new series Reel Secrets .
7 Like the situation in the Caribbean during slavery , and even in the present , where some ’ slaves ’ are put above the others , given a little bit more by the ’ slave-master ’ , and used to control the other ’ slaves ’ .
8 The club states that all major financial decisions , other than those connected with the day to day running of the club , are put to the membership for approval .
9 The second caveat is that even this amount of support is reduced when hypothetical compromises are put to the public .
10 If questions are put to the text which the particular passage was not written to answer then wrong conclusions can easily be drawn .
11 It can help to show his motive or state of mind if carefully worded questions are put to the accused .
12 Student stylists are put to the test
13 Our guys are put to the test much more often , and I think the benefits of that have been reflected in results at international level .
14 Both the controllers and the deviant group construct tacit theories in order to explain each other , and such theories are put to the test in interactions between them but never by both groups together .
15 Craft , theoretical and practical organisational ability — all culminating in a menu that in both visual appeal and taste would rival many top restaurants — are put to the test .
16 And the er , detail of that will come out when the proposals are put to the Policy and Resources Committee .
17 April the ninth is tipped to be the day when his predictions are put to the test .
18 The final fitting and Bills shoes are put to the test .
19 As most houses consist of large drawing rooms and smaller bedrooms and studies , the chief of the office often sits alone in the best room , while the clerks are put into the smaller rooms .
20 The knowledge obtained from solutions that are put into the eye for other purposes is considerably valuable .
21 The armoury of chemicals that are put into the tanks , fungicides especially , and the effluent from fish can cause local pollution .
22 Turntable is recessed into oven floor , so it 's less likely to be knocked as dishes are put into the oven .
23 Words are put into the mouths of the unwary , and thirty pieces of silver are offered to ‘ toy-boy ’ lovers , ‘ plaything ’ bimbos and ex-Royal servants .
24 When a text is analysed , all the words from that text are put into the appropriate sluice .
25 When they are put into the context of a congruent sentence , however , this disadvantage is reduced ( Underwood and Bargh , 1982 ) , suggesting that two sources of information , context and word shape , can be used in combination by practised readers .
26 It 's a good idea to mark the motherboard with a felt tip pen , or a label so that the replacement chips are put into the correct sockets .
27 Experimental values for the enthalpies of route A and steps B1 to B4 are put into the cycle .
28 It may be that if there is an overseas trust with X in the United Kingdom having a life interest therein and with the trust fund comprising UK source bank deposits ( for instance ) that the preceding year basis will apply ( with regard to the assessments made on X ) although if further monies are put into the trust ( and these are similarly put on deposit with the UK bank ) the income arising from the additional monies will be assessed on an actual basis in the early years as comprising income arising from a fresh addition to the source within TA 1988 , s66(3) .
29 Once the information or instructions are put into the microcomputer , the user will want to check ( a ) what has been put in or ( b ) what the microcomputer can do with this information .
30 Tough limits on the VR programmes will also be imposed before they are put on the market for adults .
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