Example sentences of "[am/are] themselves [adv] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The student who is confident in his library skills has a basis of trust upon which to build — and he will save himself a great deal of humiliation as well as precious time ( a commodity his teachers are themselves equally short of ) .
2 But generally these early versions are themselves wonderfully expressive .
3 Each and every family is founded in marital or quasi-marital partnership situations which are themselves inherently sexual .
4 Though an electric car itself may be an inefficient machine , with a battery , electric motor and transmission system , all of which are individually efficient , the car requires electricity from a plug in the garage to charge up its batteries and the Electricity Generating Board and Power Stations are themselves inherently inefficient and they perhaps introduce a fact of only thirty percent into the overall conversion of primary fuel , that is coal , oil , gas , or nuclear , into electricity .
5 It is a common enough linguistic trick — and one of which neurobiologists are themselves often guilty — to speak as if there were some sort of evolutionary scale or ladder of complexity , along which all the living forms found on earth today can be arrayed to form a series of ‘ more evolved ’ and ‘ less evolved ’ organisms .
6 The one occasion when written and broadcast reports of statements made by persons who possess absolute privilege are themselves absolutely privileged is when they concern proceedings in the courts .
7 But they assume that deep down , ‘ human potential ’ is universal , and that because they address this potential , they are themselves irreproachably feminist .
8 They won 7–3 at Revenue ‘ B ’ and forced a draw at second placed I.O.F. who are themselves almost certain to be promoted .
9 The four Marketing Mix categories are themselves significantly interdependent .
10 The apparent complexity of the formidable navigational behaviour that many insects display is , in fact , based on the interplay of groups of subroutines which are themselves quite simple .
11 In fact electric trains are themselves very efficient , but they draw electricity from the National Grid which is produced perhaps at something like thirty percent efficiency on the power station distribution network .
12 But now the banks are themselves too weak to offer a bridge .
13 The proportion of Labour MPs who are themselves ostensibly working-class has fallen steadily since 1945 .
14 If these world markets are themselves genuinely competitive , and if the domestic market is open to imports , then there may be little direct harm resulting from the pursuit of large scale ( though ideally one would wish there to be some scrutiny of the dominant firm in the context of the world market by a supra-national competition authority ) .
15 Class structure can not be identified with institutions but with different occupational groups that provide recruits into different institutions which are themselves socially stratified .
16 Their partial preservation has been aided by the presence of siliceous crusts which are themselves highly resistant to weathering and erosion ( see Section 6.5 ) .
17 The 18 major contributions are themselves fairly impressive , I particularly liked Francesco Calogero 's analysis of the dynamics of the nuclear arms race and John Ziman 's discussion of the basic principles involved in talking about social responsibility among scientists .
18 Where Basque and Catalan nationalists agree , at least in private , is in preferring a deal with the Socialists to one with the People 's Party , even though both are themselves fairly conservative .
19 The domain assumptions of a discipline provide a context for research but are themselves relatively unresponsive to the conclusions of the research .
20 The point we wish to make is that , even when these other factors are taken into account , decisions for which the courts are themselves directly responsible do have a major part to play in determining imprisonment rates .
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