Example sentences of "[am/are] likely [prep] [be] " in BNC.

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1 They 're likely to be trees or shrubs which show up in winter but become a backdrop for the rich summer display .
2 If you 're likely to be tackling full-scale plumbing installation work rather than just mending the occasional dripping tap , it will pay you to collect some specialist hand tools .
3 But they 're likely to be back at any time .
4 Some of the artwork is nice but if you 've got a tenner or more to spend on nice artwork then you 're probably the subject of a public inquiry at the moment so you 're likely to be more than a little preoccupied .
5 Spelling rules are of little help , because if they are thorough enough to explain a pattern , they 're likely to be incomprehensible to the children .
6 They 're likely to be geographically dispersed , nationally or internationally .
7 The promise was probably vague , we 'll see it , we may use our good offices to the United Nations to some sort of embargoes or , that 's all ca they 're likely to be promised because we 're not in a position to promise anything .
8 Yes , yes , I think in , I think in general one can certainly say that the more , and this touches on what said about personality types if a personality has a strongly developed superego themselves , they 're likely to be very independent , sometimes to the point of arrogance .
9 They 're likely to be medically related in the main .
10 It 's good on Covermaster , but if you think you can keep your living assurance in line with inflation even when you 're likely to be coming into poor health , it is a brilliant concept .
11 Two er requirements for the future that er seem to be er er desirable are stealth and what could be stealthier than the present generation of aircraft and secondly to prevent you having to go over your target you 're likely to be shot down so that you need a stand up weapon capability , er if the payload is somewhat limited can it still carry stand off weapons that are effective ?
12 The only time you 're likely to be using it , is , if your writing an essay , where you going to use conversation , to make it realistic , people do abbreviate in a conversation , or if you 're asked to write in an informal way .
13 Erm but there will be a new set of tutorials provided for you because I think there 's a general recognition that you 've been very badly treated indeed er as regards this erm and they 're likely to be run by me in term three , okay ?
14 They 'll hardly expect separate cards from the two of us , though since you 're likely to be sending them one it would n't hurt to add my name to yours .
15 Officers are visiting 17 New Age Travellers sites with a simple message — stay away from a 5-mile exclusion zone around Castlemorton Common over this Bank Holiday weekend or you 're likely to be arrested .
16 what we 're likely to be short of it seems to me we could end up being twenty four thousand pounds short at the end of the year .
17 But erm I 'm just really interested to know how much they 're likely to be and erm find out how much the Byrite people will erm charge for them .
18 Making it as difficult as possible for them to come in by setting up barriers doing things , perhaps a at night , putting like some timer switches in the rooms that you 're likely to be sitting in .
19 The article written to this brief is likely to have an element of sensationalism ; curiosity about sex or money may be deliberately aroused ; conflicts in an artist 's life are likely to be dramatised .
20 Thematic articles are likely to be found in two sorts of periodicals , general magazines and academic journals , either interdisciplinary or of specialist disciplines .
21 Those who pursue comparisons of the kind I am referring to are likely to be impressed by the staying-power of a literary preoccupation to which a variety of temperaments and compulsions has been attracted , and could well be inclined to believe that Pechorin 's duel and indifference may have been among the precedents that weighed , a century later , with a woman bent on contriving her appointment with destiny .
22 The narrator may not wholly be in jest when he refers to sexual intercourse with a certain girl , 17 or thereabouts , as ‘ the ultimate indecorum ’ , and rereaders of the novel are likely to be mindful of the survival here of an old England lived in by people like the middle-aged T. S. Eliot , exponents of a disgusted chastity .
23 The stress on Levi 's insensitivity to religion is allowed to suggest that all Jews are religious , and there are readers for whom this might signal the corollary that all Jews are Zionists , and are likely to be supporters of Israeli government policy .
24 Ideas for rock gardens or for more exposed borders , where taller daffodils are likely to be felled by the wind , the reliable range of cyclamineus type daffodils varies from 8 to 10in high .
25 According to the functionalist , of course , facial expression and lip-reading are likely to be dealt with by distinct parts of the information-processing system because the nature of the information that they convey is so different .
26 Instead of going into all the details of this stage , which are likely to be inapplicable to other designs , as they are so dependent on personal likes and dislikes , I simply show you the design limits worked out ( fig.1 ) and what I made .
27 Characteristic qualities of a step are likely to be retained because the type of music so decrees , although it will rarely be identical in its performance because it will have been refurbished .
28 Depending on the tile size and on the manufacturer concerned , you are likely to be offered packs containing anything from 6 to 50 tiles , and some packs — of 13 , 22 and the like — do n't make estimating quantities any easier .
29 Mixtures of the large-flowered kinds are likely to be best for naturalising , as they are often sold in bulk very cheaply for this purpose .
30 RSPCA spokesperson Amanda Avis explained : ‘ Owners are likely to be required to : Have the animal neutered ; get compulsory thirdparty insurance ; have the dog permanently identified and registered , and ; when in public , comply with muzzling and leashing regulations . ’
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