Example sentences of "the 11th " in BNC.

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1 The plenum agreed a date for the 11th party congress , on 27 January , and called for elections for congress delegates under new democratic rules .
2 Patterned on what athletes will be wearing to the 11th Asian Games in Peking next year , it includes sportswear , jackets and close-fitting suits : ‘ The vigorous clothes will help build the atmosphere of the Asian Games and encourage people to get more exercise to promote health , ’ the agency predicted .
3 THIS MORNING at 7am , 1,250 pairs of arms will churn the warm blue water of the Pacific into foam as the competitors set off on the first , swimming stage of the 11th Ironman Triathlon on and around the little resort of Kailua-Kona here .
4 He also birdied the 11th , but then dropped his only shot of the round at the 12th , after playing a poor bunker shot and missing from 15 feet .
5 It 's the 11th Night .
6 Do they know about the 11th Night , New Year 's Eve , and things like that ?
7 I would say this morning , or tomorrow evening , the 11th .
8 His is the only war grave in the churchyard adjoining the 11th century church at Colleville-sur-Mer .
9 However , he holed from 40 feet at the 11th for a birdie before Stewart played the stroke of the round at the 12th .
10 Yet if Leonard 's fleet feet were still part of his youthfulness , there were signs of bodily frailty ; he bore the only real wounds of the contest , a cut to the lip sustained early on and a more serious one over the left eye in the 11th round .
11 Faldo had to wait until the ‘ 89 Masters before he could catch up with Lyle and maybe the picture of him on the 11th green , the second hole of a sudden-death play-off with Scott Hoch , encapsulates Europe 's men in the majors in the Eighties .
12 Western Europe had wriggled out of that one by the end of the 11th century .
13 My money was due on the 11th , and when I have posted this , my last stamp will be spent , and I shall have to wait 'till she remembers .
14 You know the Khomeini has decided to step down … on the 11th of February .
15 Lyle , with an eight at the 11th , his second hole of the day , never repaired the damage and his 75 after a 71 on Thursday left him perilously placed at two over par , ‘ probably one too many ’ , he guessed .
16 It was the 11th , a par five , which knocked all the stuffing out of Lyle .
17 MARTIN LYNCH realised the wildest dream of every jump jockey when , at the 11th hour , he picked up the mount on strongly-fancied contender Cool Ground in today 's Martell Grand National at Aintree .
18 In Birmingham , the dealers have gathered for the 11th British Antiques Fair ( Thursday to the following Wednesday ) , while over the Border , there is still time to catch Pen Panting 's second one-man show , at the Glasgow Print Studio .
19 Tohou opened the scoring in the 11th minute when she beat goalkeeper Jo Thompson and after Mary Nevill had levelled with a penalty stroke within a minute , Tohou made the game safe with her second goal two minutes from time .
20 These institutions are among some 200 ‘ unverified and lost ’ , and so excluded from the 11th edition of the Directory of British Associations , just out .
21 ‘ That shot I hit into the water at the 11th was my mistake and mine alone . ’
22 The 11th , Nick Faldo 's hole , scene of both of his play-off triumphs , is up then down .
23 Golf : Faldo ready to produce more magic at the 11th
24 And he could again seal victory at the 11th .
25 Stanley kept in contention in the first half of the game but came to grief on the 11th end when they dropped a five .
26 There was a three-putted bogey at the 10th , a pushed four-wood caused another at the 11th and a similar shot was punished at the 13th as he slipped back to level par .
27 He had gone 3 , 2 at the 11th and 12th , then followed it with a three at the 14th , where he hit an eight-iron to a yard .
28 Meaby 's crucial thrust came in the decisive bottom match at the 13th after he and Davies had lost the 11th and 12th and fallen back to all-square .
29 After a poor start , at the 10th , where he missed for his three from a mere 18ins , he did not let the birdies escape at the 11th and 12th .
30 A dreadful second shot from the perfect position in the middle of the 10th fairway had to be retrieved with a deft bunker shot ; he was deep in the trees at the 11th , where he took five , and bunkered at the 12th , though again at no cost to him .
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