Example sentences of "[be] looking [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 But he was not looking down at her , his gaze was remote ; he seemed to be looking through the window into the darkness of the garden .
2 ‘ We will be looking over the next few months to see what longer term solution can be devised . ’
3 We will be looking for the team that shows most strength in depth , across a range of ages , and both sexes .
4 The subtle , instinctive mind pattern of an insect may be looking for the particular infrared , pheromone emission which signifies the presence of his lady-love .
5 He said : ‘ The whole country will be looking for the result and most of them will be hoping the underdogs do well .
6 The taxi , when it came back to the street , would be crawling because the driver would be looking for the number .
7 Essentially , you will be looking for the fullest possible information , not only about how fantastic the colour is , but about all the other factors we have been discussing , and how candid are the comments on the shortcomings .
8 Although the UK market has only been contributing some £15,000 a month or so to the company 's coffers , Christoforou expects to appoint half a dozen sales staff by April and says he will be looking for the outfit to turn over £2m plus in its first year .
9 Health Promotion will be looking for the best young smile of the week .
10 At a time when many middle-class voters would be looking for the party that would best defend them from Labour , this Conservative strength would be of vital importance .
11 What they do have in common is that in all cases industry will be looking for the location where it can make the best profit .
12 ‘ Also , I 'll be looking for the slag personally , so I reckon between us we should find him .
13 We had discussed this business of how people 's appearance literally alters in the eyes of their lovers , and suddenly I blushed , for it seemed to me he must be remembering this too , and that we must be looking for the same thing , as one might take down an old book in a moment of hungry nostalgia and start to re-read , hoping it may provide the same remembered enchantment as before .
14 Initially , we were a little uncertain as to the type of adverts to seek and in both your absences I checked with Gerry Senior who was very helpful in advising that we would be looking for the kind of events that might be held in the Centre and not adverts relating to , for example , recruitment .
15 You are likely to be looking for the relation between the variable part of the text ( called the INDEPENDENT VARIABLE because you are manipulating it by making changes ) and the variation in the response of the reader ( called the DEPENDENT VARIABLE , because it depends on the variation , or changes , made to the text ) .
16 The formal publication stage is much the same when it comes to record content — peer and institution review will still be looking for the same things .
17 Linford Christie also runs his first major individual race of the summer in tonight 's Golden Gala and will be looking for the sort of confidence-booster he gained at the same meeting last year .
18 We are only fifty million people in this country and if you 're going to run a decent-size business at all , you need to be looking at the horizon .
19 We shall be looking at the process of registering a death in chapter 11 .
20 I would never try on something revealing like a swimming costume in a communal changing room , because when I was bigger I 'd be thinking everyone would be looking at the bulgy bits thinking how fat I was ( well , this is what I thought after I found out what my friends had been saying ) , and now I would feel too self-conscious because other girls would be thinking how skinny I look .
21 We will be looking at the new MPs to see if the numbers can be further increased . ’
22 EC commission sources said that Sir Leon Brittan , competition commissioner , would be looking at the deal to see if Air France was breaking EC rules , in so tightening its grip on short-haul air services within mainland Europe .
23 Andrew Holden , joint secretary of the Northern Examining Association , said : ‘ We will be looking at the position and seeing whether we think it is worthwhile to offer a similar scheme or whether we would prefer to cut the general level of fees so that we are competing on even terms . ’
24 Drivers will be looking at the turbo variants , as their performance is more equivalent to petrol versions . ’
25 I will therefore be looking at the range of measures on offer to ensure that as we come out of the recession they offer unemployed people practical and effective help in getting back to work . ’
26 Over the next few days I shall be looking at the Activity Book and Video Guide again in detail with our designer Phil Hall and then , with the stills from Michael Keefe , shall be able to send you a revised schedule .
27 Try to be looking at the child when you make your request .
28 One of them , Dr Andrew Price of York University , said he would be looking at the impact of the spill on turtles , shrimps and dolphins .
29 Ultimately the origins of the division within the population in Dunrossness lie in the interaction between Shetland , ‘ the oil ’ , and national or international political/economic processes : for the purposes of this paper , however , I will be looking at the factors which are in a sense ‘ internal ’ to Shetland in general , and Dunrossness in particular .
30 You were supposed to be looking at the clothes , ’ Paula said artlessly .
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