Example sentences of "[be] assumed [to-vb] the " in BNC.

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1 Pupils ' progress should be registered against these levels : level 2 should be assumed to represent the performance of the median 7 year old ; level 4 that of the median 11 year old ; the boundary between levels 5 and 6 that of the median 14 year old ; and the boundary between levels 6 and 7 that of the median 16 year old ; ( d ) assessment should be by a combination of national externally set Standard Assessment Tasks ( SATs ) and assessments by teachers .
2 Pupils ' progress should be registered against these levels : level 2 should be assumed to represent the performance of the median 7 year old ; level 4 that of the median 11 year old ; the boundary between levels 5 and 6 that of the median 14 year old ; and the boundary between levels 6 and 7 that of the median 16 year old ;
3 Taking from the 1910 sample only those marriages recorded before 1914 , which can therefore be assumed to represent the pre-war pattern , the age distribution of the twenty-nine brides was as shown in Figure 1 .
4 Though they were spoken for my benefit , I could not be assumed to share the same norms .
5 Since principal investigators may be assumed to influence the selection of coauthors , the popularity of the Vancouver convention raises a testable hypothesis — namely , that senior authors may favour six author articles over seven author articles .
6 The number of intervening sentences in which the item was not mentioned is one obvious variable , but more interesting would be the effect of such discourse boundaries as a change of scene , where a whole set of items can be assumed to enter the consciousness of the addressee , presumably pushing out old ones .
7 If this were true , then men and women who are married to each other could be assumed to have the same standard of living .
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