Example sentences of "[be] of any use " in BNC.

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1 This order was annulled on 26 October by the Smolensk guberniia party committee for being excessive and too late to be of any use .
2 Recognizing that audiences could never identify with nobs , Hitchcock 's films showed ordinary people going through extraordinary experiences : ‘ The upper classes , ’ he remarked , ‘ are too ‘ bottled up ’ to be of any use as colourful screen material , too stiffened with breeding to relax into the natural easiness and normality required by the screen . ’
3 Warton replies : ‘ It can not be of any use to the dead themselves .
4 ‘ Go on , Wilson , though it may not be of any use . ’
5 However , I doubt that the book will be of any use to the professional .
6 Second , once identified , can they be of any use in helping us solve real-life issues ?
7 These need to be as specific as possible , including a timetable for action if they are to be of any use .
8 AN OLD CAMBRIDGE toast is , ‘ Here 's to pure mathematics — may she never be of any use to anyone ! ’
9 The Western-financed dams received all the attention ; the numerous jobs that needed to be done if the dams were going to be of any use had scant priority .
10 To be of any use as a tool of business control , financial records must be up-to-date .
11 He had found milk at the ā gri 's house and the old man had come back with him to see if he could be of any use .
12 It would n't be of any use to her .
13 Mrs Stych protested coyly that she did not know enough about books to be of any use , while she wondered privately how she was going to fit this new commitment into her already overcrowded schedule of social events .
14 Neither her mother nor her father would be of any use at all .
15 Resident Simon Halliwell says ‘ This place is a gift for a person with a big ego and a big wallet and in the long term they wo n't be of any use to the island . ’
16 ‘ She does mostly ladies ’ slippers , ’ Emily said , ‘ I do n't think she would be of any use to you . ’
17 Editor , — If operative mortality is to be of any use as an indicator of quality in cardiac surgery a system of risk stratification must be in place .
18 Combine these two flaws and there 's often a lack of players on-screen at one time — the scanner does n't help matters as it 's too small to be of any use .
19 The eye-spots , to be of any use , must be linked to muscles so that the animal can react to what it senses .
20 With two votes West Germans are in a different position , even though their first vote may not be of any use .
21 Before including them in any press pack the question " Will this be of any use to the recipient ? " must be answered in the affirmative .
22 The ownership of archaeological finds depends on the local laws ( in some countries all archaeological artefacts are automatically the property of the state and have to be reported , while in others the finds belong to the owner of the land on which they were found ) , but whatever the ownership , each find needs to be properly recorded if it is to be of any use archaeologically .
23 The man in the doorway was certainly old and infirm , and none too reliable either , but when he ceased to be of any use to the Guild as a working docker , they had found him a sinecure job as night watchman on the Wharf .
24 Most of the systems , including the spectronic destabilizer ( handy for blasting planets ) , were too large scale in their effects to be of any use in this situation .
25 I determined to contact Jenny , but letters and telephone conversations seemed quite inadequate means of discovering what I wanted to know , that is whether I could be of any use to her .
26 Though fugue is regarded as too tonal a form to be of any use , many other old contrapuntal devices of the Renaissance and Baroque periods have been revived in serial composition , especially canon in its many forms .
27 You 're in a dead end as far as Charlie 's records are concerned , and even if you get your hands on them you 've no guarantee they 'll be of any use .
28 Then you can come and sit near me and find out whether they will be of any use .
29 She went to see if she could be of any use .
30 ‘ If you 're going to be of any use to me at all , the work has to start now . ’
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