Example sentences of "[that] [vb mod] be drawn " in BNC.

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1 The major one is that there is no way that the researcher can hope to be aware of , still less control , all the possible independent variables , and this casts doubt on any conclusions that may be drawn about causes .
2 While one may note that these are observations that may be drawn as much from first principles as from pragmatic induction , studies by other authors who are not averse to imperialism and all its works tend to convey an impression in Vietnam not only of pervasive French presence but of almost total control .
3 But the most important requirement is a window that opens , with blinds or curtains that may be drawn against summer sun or winter blasts .
4 The conclusion that must be drawn is that corporate management in the large public company are not controlled by the shareholders exercising the powers accorded to them by law to appoint , dismiss and monitor the directors of the company .
5 The conclusion that must be drawn from reviewing such work is that there is no definite micro- or macro-explanation of the growth path for public expenditure .
6 The main conclusions that might be drawn from the study are :
7 A tentative conclusion that could be drawn from the discussion of platelet-function abnormalities in diabetics would be that the increased platelet reactivity may represent a prethrombotic state and contribute to the as-yet-unexplained increased vascular risk in these patients .
8 Their leader , George Plekhanov ( 1856–1918 ) , wrote the founding texts of Russian Marxism , spelling out with crystal clarity the implications for Russia 's future that could be drawn from Marx 's socio-economic analysis .
9 One obvious conclusion that could be drawn from the review is that the Japanese are steaming ahead with welldefined information technology plans .
10 Blinds drawn down in the heat of the day had made an oasis of quiet shadow , a source of energy that could be drawn on now like a pool of pure water guarded from the dust of the track .
11 I know of no set of criteria that could be drawn up to include such a tragic case .
12 At the Christian Aid Executive meeting , was very willing to be involved , and no doubt there are others within Britain that could be drawn on .
13 It was a bit perplexing the first time I heard the chant though , because of the other associations that could be drawn from it !
14 The conclusion that could be drawn from this argument is that is not a phoneme of English , but is an allophone of several different vowel phonemes when those phonemes occur in an unstressed syllable .
15 It is easy to imagine the conclusion that would be drawn : that the broken home had caused the child to become emotionally disturbed .
16 One conclusion that will be drawn from this principle is that gravitational fields affect electromagnetic radiation : light leaving a star is red shifted , and light passing near a star is deviated from a classical straight-line path ( Section 2.3 ) .
17 This keeps the material inside reasonably dry and sweet and also provides a liquid fertiliser that can be drawn off regularly via a tap at the bottom .
18 Another conclusion that can be drawn from this table is that , apart from the southern cone countries , those who work in the modern sector of the economy comprise a minority of the population .
19 The only truly valid generalization that can be drawn is that no truly valid generalization is possible
20 For better or worse , it is a de-historicized ‘ history ’ : a reservoir of literary and cultural materials that can be drawn on precisely for the purpose of making novels ; a reservoir , more exactly , of cultures , themes , characters , rhetorical forms , stereotypes and structures …
21 The only conclusion that can be drawn from the above correspondence is that Stirling must have had some sort of operation in mind using parachutes during the period when he was returning from his second visit to Sirte .
22 Vickery has written : ‘ Most of the conclusions that can be drawn from studies of people and information are either very general or specific to particular social groups , or even particular organisations . ’
23 The causal inferences that can be drawn from experiments are direct and unproblematic , at least in comparison with the inferences that can be drawn from non-experimental enquiries .
24 The causal inferences that can be drawn from experiments are direct and unproblematic , at least in comparison with the inferences that can be drawn from non-experimental enquiries .
25 One of the great distinctions that can be drawn between football culture in Scotland and England is in the public 's attitude to heroes .
26 A conclusion that can be drawn from all these treatment studies is that when dealing with patients who do not require inpatient care , treatment by well-trained non-medical staff ( social workers and nurses in. particular ) is at least as effective as treatment given by psychiatrists .
27 Indeed , if there is one conclusion that can be drawn from the first year 's experience of audit regulation , it is that so far there is insufficient evidence to judge the quality of the service registered auditors provide .
28 The above comparison articulates two , related , conclusions that can be drawn from the evidence reviewed so far .
29 The general conclusions that can be drawn from these and other studies are , first , that it is not possible to separate fully the effects of education on earnings from those of other factors , particularly those of such abstract personal qualities as motivation , perseverance , ability to make decisions , etc .
30 Whatever the answer to this may be , the general policy conclusion that can be drawn is that making access and use of medical services more equitable will reduce certain aspects of class inequalities in morbidity and mortality but will not do away with them or reduce them substantially .
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