Example sentences of "[that] [subord] [pron] give " in BNC.

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1 know that so you give it
2 Parents , however , should remember that if they give their child an investment that produces over £5 annual income , it will usually be taxed as their own unless the child is over 18 or married .
3 Parents , however , should remember that if they give their child an investment that produces over £5 annual income , it will usually be taxed as their own unless the child is over 18 or married .
4 Parents , however , should remember that if they give their child an investment that produces over £5 annual income , it will usually be taxed as their own unless the child is over 18 or married .
5 Erm so that 's true , that if they give you the house , it is , it is an inheritance tax problem as well .
6 NLP ( neuro-linguistic programming ) suggests that if we give ourselves one option , we become a robot ; with two choices , we have a dilemma ; but with three or more options , we have a choice .
7 We fail so utterly to reward responsible married women that if we give anything at all to single mothers we appear to be placing a premium — ‘
8 It is a dull dictum , but true , that if you give the impression you care about what you do , then others are more likely to care about it too .
9 assume that if you give them a population that owned seventy eight percent of the land and find out fifty percent of the land , then you , you know , you ca n't just give land , everyone 's not just gon na have land , you have to increase production to make everyone better off .
10 I think you just assume that if you give somebody painkillers and they do n't work , oh that 's it !
11 This is my speech , not the hon. Gentleman 's , and I warn him that if I give way now it will be for the last time .
12 Here Tramp Hold that while I give it some wellie .
13 For , with some qualifications which do not much affect the main point , he suggests that when we give reasons for an ethical statement we are typically making factual claims acceptance of which we hope will cause others to have the attitude it expresses and he distinguishes this sharply from the case where one statement gives some kind of logical or rational support to another .
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