Example sentences of "[that] [pers pn] [vb mod] otherwise " in BNC.

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1 The knock-on effect this had for me , which was quite important , was that I would otherwise have had an education slot for social policy issues .
2 I apply the A A schedule of motoring costs , B one eight one , for an engine capacity of two thousand and one to three thousand C C , of three thousand two hundred and eighty eight pounds and eighty eight pence and subtract from that figure the corresponding figure for an engine capacity of one thousand and one to fourteen hundred C C , namely one thousand two hundred and fifty three pounds and thirteen pence for the vehicle I find that she would otherwise have run .
3 And this is what happens with this , as the years proceed you 're getting interest on the previous year 's interest which includes the tax that you would otherwise , that would otherwise have gone from your account in paying into income tax .
4 In many cases having the equipment in-house allows you to do other things that you might otherwise never have considered so saving even more .
5 I 'd much rather y , you know , you did anything you want , than ignore a bit that you could otherwise find useful .
6 ‘ The issue is , of course , when we come to sell off stock that we would otherwise have returned , what percentage of its normal retail price can we get ? ’
7 One can only guess at the reasons for such underreporting ; but it seems possible that exporters understate values in the hope of retaining part of the foreign exchange that they would otherwise be obliged to surrender to the authorities , while importers may wish to minimize their import duties ( and also avoid enquiries into the source of the foreign exchange used for imports ) .
8 Her belief in their abilities and the ideas she instilled into them had carried them through situations that they would otherwise have found impossible .
9 A similar fate befell councillors in Liverpool who , although not rate-capped at the time , delayed setting a rate on the grounds that they would otherwise have to make large spending cuts or impose rate rises ( contrary to the ruling Labour group 's manifesto commitments ) to maintain expenditure within the block-grant regime ( Parkinson , 1985 ; Travers , 1986 , especially 164–77 ) .
10 For many of those people it is probably a godsend when someone hands them a piece of paper that might unlock the door to access to a benefit that they would otherwise not receive .
11 The fear of losing control of a class lurks just below the surface even for teachers with ‘ good discipline ’ , and for many this puts the brake on changes to their own way of teaching that they might otherwise like to try .
12 In addition , the agencies themselves will be keen to make sure that they can offer follow-on assignments , since they are aware that they might otherwise lose their workers .
13 Of course the increasing population in some countries is harming the progress that they could otherwise make on development issues .
14 It can lead to a perpetual and escalating attempt by women to please , trying to retain their outward beauty at all costs , and to show only the lovely , pleasing side of their nature for fear that they will otherwise be dethroned .
15 Where a government is very keen to press on with its programme , and where it can foresee that it would otherwise be frustrated by pressure of time , it can move that a timetable be adopted for a particular measure and , if the House so resolves , the Business Committee of the House will arrange a programme for a particular Bill , setting aside a specific number of days for each stage .
16 Any member or creditor aggrieved by the dissolution can apply within the following 20 years for restoration of the company name on the grounds that the company was in fact continuing to operate , or that it would otherwise be just to do so ( s 653 , Companies Act 1985 ) .
17 If an Aplysia receives an alarming stimulus such as an electric shock on the tail , it then responds more readily to other stimuli ( such as prods to the siphon ) that it would otherwise have been less responsive to .
18 The late service on him of the committal order did not hinder any appeal or application for release that he might otherwise have made .
19 I also heard of a former Scottish internationalist who felt obliged to leave the ground 15 minutes before the end concerned that he might otherwise lose his temper and respond to provocation .
20 He found that it opened a window on the City that he would otherwise never have had .
21 A constable who gives inadequate reasons for conducting a search that he would otherwise be entitled to undertake is also acting outside the scope of his duty .
22 Order twen er , rule twenty , eight , four provides that when a party is entitled to costs , and that of course is the case of the plaintiffs , a , fails without good reason to commence or conduct proceedings for the taxation of those costs in accordance with this order or any direction or b , delays lodging a bill of costs for taxation , the taxing office may one , disallow already part of the costs of taxation that he would otherwise would warn about the party and two , after taking into account all the circumstances , including any prejudice suffered by any other party as result of such failure or delay as the case maybe , and any additional interest payable under section seventeen of the judgements act because of the failure or delay , allow the party so entitled less than the amount he would otherwise have allowed on taxation of the bill are wholly disallowed the costs , his provision for an appeal to allow to the judge and chambers and that is the way the matter is coming before
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