Example sentences of "[that] [pron] gave [pron] " in BNC.

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1 He feasted for months , for years , on a small pair of my slippers that I gave him ; I expect he has burnt them by now .
2 It was duly arranged that we should meet after work , and it was then that I gave him further details about my ‘ sponsored ’ trip to Paris and about my much more ambitious idea of a trip to Libya .
3 I can give the hon. Gentleman the undertaking — it is of the sort that I gave him in Committee — that I believe that many things should be done with the extra resources that we shall have , and in the context of administrative matters the care of records is relevant .
4 one or two members who are resident in St Albans did ask me about their position on item two St Albans Transport Study er the advice that I gave them was that unless they er did which is likely to be affected by any identifiable schemes in the study they do not have a need to declare either a pecuniary or a non-pecuniary interest .
5 Once I waited so long and stayed so late that I gave myself away to Syl , who had called in the usual way at the front door , to be told by my mother that I was in the summer-house and he should go and bring me out and back to the drawing-room where , like normal people , we should converse .
6 Right quite an awkward one that I gave you .
7 I 'd just like to add that included in the numbers that I gave you for Camco were not just redundancy costs , but costs of closures of sales offices , distribution networks and some other special one-time charges , so it 's not pure redundancy when you look at the numbers that I gave you earlier on .
8 I 'd just like to add that included in the numbers that I gave you for Camco were not just redundancy costs , but costs of closures of sales offices , distribution networks and some other special one-time charges , so it 's not pure redundancy when you look at the numbers that I gave you earlier on .
9 Because there were , there were easily three lists of influence on referrals that you need to be attuned to , that I gave you in that one erm praise , give a bit of praise to my wife because all I 'm proud of crafty , I thought , you know , why did n't you say that was a beautiful brief .
10 And we saw that in the calculation that I gave you at the end of last week 's lecture .
11 Erm , I I really do n't want to add anything else , other than the summary , erm , that I gave you on Appendix One , Chairman , but if you move over to Appendix Two for a start , erm , this first of all , relates only to our A T T in and we hope in future to improve this sort of information in the other employee groups .
12 The sheet that I gave you .
13 The uncertainty in the number that I gave you , about fifteen to eighteen billion years , is not in any sense an error due to inaccuracies of measurements of the rate at which the universe is currently expanding , but there are systematic differences of opinion about how one should calibrate the expansion rate , because people have different means of measuring the distance from us of the most luminous objects .
14 Not that I gave it serious thought .
15 He 's trying to make out that I gave it to him when I gave him a spoonful of that … stuff …
16 ‘ And he just stood there , ’ Emlyn concluded , ‘ looking so desperate that I gave us both an enormous gin and tonic ! ’
17 It was in those days , when Margaret was still alive , that I gave my former colleague Peter Duval-Smith — whose private life and whose work as an academic journalist always seemed to be equally chaotic — the introduction to Braemar Mansions that he so much wanted .
18 ‘ Bear in mind that I gave my evidence after Blissett had been charged by the FA for a serious breach of the laws of the game — and the experienced commission of inquiry , which conducted a rigorous investigation into the incident , cleared him .
19 It is perhaps interesting that she gave her forwarding address in America as 83 Brattle Street which was , in fact , where Emily Hale lived .
20 Despite her eccentricity and the fact that they could n't help laughing at her , the Girls would readily acknowledge that she gave them as much , if not more , affection than they had received from their own parents .
21 I thought that she gave them education to add to er , to the poor .
22 Oh , before that she gave him strict injunctions to be sure to kill Horrible or he would destroy them all , which was duly done .
23 ‘ She is n't important , never was important — except that she gave me a chance to get close to you again . ’
24 She thinks it 's those gloves that she gave you , keeping you warm . ’
25 Compared Janet NcCalman alledged charmer and being questioned as to her using of charms confessed that she used one charm for Causing Cows bull ( called eelis dhair ) which she practices by expressing some words over water and that she gave it particularly to one NcAbhrionid in Balulise .
26 Compared Janet NcCalman alledged charmer and being questioned as to her using of charms confessed that she used one charm for Causing Cows bull ( called eelis dhair ) which she practices by expressing some words over water and that she gave it particularly to one NcAbhrionid in Balulise .
27 No , not the stuff that you gave her anyway .
28 Did you want me so much that you gave them up ? ’
29 I remember when I first met you at the house of terror ; what you gave me , all that you gave me .
30 Just not going away , even the tablets that you gave me , they was n't even taking it away , it , away like .
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