Example sentences of "[that] [pron] had had " in BNC.

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1 Immediately I was instructed that I had had the good fortune to be posted to ‘ the division where real polising is done … ’
2 Little did the other helpers know that I had had real experience in the world of commerce outside .
3 I would not like it to be said that I had had my mother put away . ’
4 After nine months of tests , I was told that there was ‘ probably ’ nothing wrong with my kidneys and that I had had a bladder infection .
5 My main aim was for some relief to the back pain that I had had for many years but , having tried many other so-called ‘ back pain relief techniques ’ , without much success ( some worked for a short while , others not at all or even made the pain worse ) , I was not too optimistic .
6 You know , I was embarrassed to tell my mother that I was pregnant , because it showed that I had had sex .
7 Towards the end of the war I realised that I had had both friends and enemies at Southern Command .
8 I wanted to tell her this was n't quite true , that I had had no choice , but her grey , tired look stopped me : it would hurt her too much , I thought , to feel I had not trusted her with the truth in the beginning .
9 So I wanted to get that memory out of the way and I was just happy that I had had a better game ’ .
10 I came home quite convinced that I 'd never met anyone since that I had had the same feeling for .
11 I told her that I had had a sort of a breakdown , and that I was appalled by what I had done .
12 ‘ Before the night was ended I knew that I had had what religious people would call a conversion .
13 I said that I had had rather more than that , and I referred to having had about 800 , the large majority of which were tear-out newspaper slips , and a large majority of those would have been influenced by the leaflet , the Labour party ’ Standard ’ , with its misleading , scaremongering , alarmist nonsense .
14 I was just six then , and while Blyth knew that I had had some sort of little accident when I was much younger I certainly seemed to him to be a lot more able-bodied that he was .
15 Dalziel 's gaze wandered suspiciously round the room as if seeking signs ‘ that someone had had the effrontery to deface the slightly peeling wall with festive decoration .
16 But she also denied knowing Dassac , and the police subsequently discovered that she had had numerous telephone conversations with him and paid him large sums of money under a false name through a Swiss bank account .
17 The wife of the detained dissident , Sasha Vondra , said yesterday that she had had no news of her husband for three weeks .
18 Such was the restlessness of her longing to go there that she had had to struggle to stick to her resolve .
19 Some months after I spoke to Feroza I learnt that she had had to return to Pakistan .
20 ‘ Picnic ’ : a word that she had had no occasion to use from that day to this .
21 Once he had hit her so hard when she would n't tell him where she 'd been that she had had concussion .
22 Eventually Mrs Webster explained that she had had an evacuee before me , who had ‘ breathed on the wall ’ , and she did not want me to do likewise .
23 Mrs Friar explained that she had had to go to Aberdeen again .
24 June Rogers reported that she had had a meeting with parents interested in improving the play area at the Sun Hill recreation ground .
25 She turned her back on him , unlocking the inner door , and as the warmth from the storage heaters wafted out to greet them she thanked God that she had had the foresight to leave them on — she did n't think she had been properly warm since reading the newspaper this afternoon — no , not even on the plane .
26 Kelly remembered the lie that she had had to tell to take a day off work .
27 It turned out that she had had palpitations in the past but had forgotten about them .
28 She agreed , but pointed out that she had had a very happy childhood , being the youngest of eight children in Ireland .
29 She said that she had had people come to her office in tears , not knowing how they could possibly meet the cost of a funeral .
30 It was the first occasion in her life that she had had to take stock of it .
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