Example sentences of "[that] [pron] was gon " in BNC.

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1 I think that this time I decided meself that I was gon na come off when I got paid .
2 The reason I 'd put pu pupil comment where it is , is because so far as I was concerned the top half of that I was gon na , was gon na be filled in by staff it is a report .
3 I thought that I was gon na have to er , talk about phasing but I think that he 's dealt with that quite adequately but I certainly will be happy answer any questions afterwards if if there are any .
4 Er I 'll explain why it happened an and then perhaps you 'll hopefully find that you can forgive me , and er then I 'll go on and say one or two of the things that I was gon na say this morning but er did n't .
5 That I was gon na tell you every detail ?
6 When I told her this afternoon that I was gon na be away till maybe tomorrow morning I do n't know what I expected .
7 The one that I was gon na have .
8 So erm the money that I was gon na you know , use for that I 'll use for the ticket .
9 yeah I well I I did say that I was gon na play badminton then go away and sort out that when I see Ian
10 I mean if I knew for the fact that I was gon na get this job at the hospital I 'd pay for it
11 Oh oh I just recorded that I was gon na keep all the words but I 'm only joking
12 No I , I had a feeling that I was gon na get landed with the bill there .
13 That 's why , cos she said I 'm just gon na know , I was gon na say to Richard that I was gon na ask Richard if if Emma , if he wants to go out with Emma ?
14 But then he , he insisted that she was gon na be his wife , which obviously , it was like a pent up frustration in him .
15 And she was gon na said , that she was gon na drop you off there at two then pick you up again at eight .
16 I think she was frightened that she was gon na get be bitten .
17 And of course er they knew that there was gon na be a war whereas we put it out of our mind , we thought , well we 'll be prepared but it 'll never come .
18 Erm on the seventeenth of June I was told that there was gon na be a meeting on the eighteenth erm to which I would have to appear concerning my drink driving .
19 Cos the military situation that it er well from er says you know they realized , apparently , that it was gon na take at least seven years to win over the nationalists so they
20 I knew it would n't be here this week you know I mean if they 've told her there 's another three to four weeks it 's unlikely that it was gon na be last weekend .
21 No the situation was getting worse and the only way that they we er that it was gon na be made better was by violence and , cos the violence is the only way
22 No , does n't fit on it 's stopped recording change the change the tape so a su but going back to that she was so convinced that it was gon na be a heck of a job that she would save us time by taking all the clothes out putting them somewhere else and I said it 'll take us three minutes
23 Right he then went to the pulpit and he said that he was gon na preach about Lazarus actually but he 's a quiet fellow and he shouted at the top of his voice I 'm speaking about satanic bondage !
24 Yeah , well he 's , when he first says to me he says right he says er , this was when I first got an inkling that he was gon na check the mileage you know like for the future , and it says erm , where do you wan na go to ?
25 And so the very next day Helen told us of a night time that he was gon na stay and early in the morning he come back door with some papers and I said oh take well it never comes to more than six pound ninety or seven pound fifty but he calls it .
26 Yeah but did n't he say that he was gon na try and Tory party .
27 Oh I remember , I remember thinking cos he said that he was gon na be away , and he would n't be here on Tuesday , so he goes .
28 I du n no what the situation with Andrew is , cos I mean I heard the rumours that he was gon na for Cheam .
29 I mean the rumours were that he was gon na go to Cheam , he was supposed to be Saturdays for Cheam .
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