Example sentences of "[that] [pron] is usually " in BNC.

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1 This means that there is usually only one ‘ show-case ’ production at the end of the year for agent and production managements to see .
2 The smelting process alters the chemical composition of the original ore so that there is usually no simple chemical correlation between ore and metal .
3 The good thing about these singles clubs is that there is usually no pressure at all to form oneself into a couple .
4 It is worth noting that there is a delay between diagnosis and reporting of cases of AIDS and that there is usually a long interval between infection with HIV and the development of AIDS , so the published statistics do not accurately reflect the spread of HIV infection .
5 When looking at the calendar it 's worth bearing in mind that there is usually a year 's grace between the death of the previous Phoenix King and the coronation of his successor .
6 One consequence of having well focused missions , goals , strategies and main functions , it is suggested , is that there is usually a core technology to the organization which is well understood .
7 It was first observed early in the century that there is usually only about 10% as much energy ( in the form of animal matter ) at one level of the food chain as at the next level down ; at any one place , about 10% as much energy will be contained in the carnivores as in the herbivores .
8 Following the implications of the McKinsey matrix , Porter states that there is usually little that the firm can do in the short run to affect industry structure and hence attractiveness .
9 I am sure that the Under-Secretary will agree that there is usually more agreement between political parties within Northern Ireland than between the Labour and Conservative parties in England , so I do not understand the logic of the statement by the hon. Member for Derbyshire , North-East ( Mr. Barnes ) .
10 It is helpful , for example , to look at past questions , bearing in mind that there is usually only a limited range of possible questions which are likely to be asked about any given topic .
11 Although the imputation system of corporation tax means that there is usually only a marginal difference in the tax cost of the two funding methods ( if the payer can absorb the ACT against sufficient mainstream corporation tax payable ) , this is usually in favour of the payment of deductible interest ; and
12 The first is that it is usually preferable to make each objective refer to only one learning outcome .
13 Game theory demonstrates that it is usually most adaptive to be variable or unpredictable , so long as evolution or personal experience takes care to set the odds appropriately .
14 The only comfort is to remember that it is usually foreseeable and quite unnecessary .
15 Behind the apparent fluidity of the timetable there is in fact a detailed system of record-keeping so that it is usually possible to say what point each child has reached in each main subject area .
16 It is widely agreed that the lifetime reproductive success of individuals is the most satisfactory measure of fitness that it is usually possible to collect ( see Falconer , 1960 ; Cavalli-Sforza & Bodmer , 1961 ; Maynard Smith , 1969 ; Grafen , 1982 ) .
17 Although in general the evidence suggests that it is usually the man 's retirement that provokes most friction , this may change as more of today 's working wives turn sixty and find themselves facing the same need to make difficult adjustments .
18 Kate Probst , of Resources for the Future , argues that it is usually fairer to penalise polluters than to leave the taxpayer to clean up dirty old sites .
19 I nearly always start to make the chair at the back seat rail , for the simple reason that it is usually , but not always , the component that has right-angled joints , even when every other part of the chair is angled or curved .
20 In this section we have seen that it is usually possible to reduce the number of accesses to synonyms by loading first the records most frequently accessed .
21 The difficulty is that it is usually a mixture of both — in which case it all gets blamed on external causes .
22 The point has therefore now been made with three examples that it is usually carbonate facies that are so remarkably persistent in a lateral sense .
23 The typical economic variables used in empirical studies , variables such as output , prices and interest rates , are such that it is usually possible to think of some reason why any one of them might exert an independent influence on another .
24 But when we examine exactly which books are being read , we find that it is usually books first encountered as TV programs or movies .
25 The ‘ I ’ , he would have argued , only means something in relation to all the other words that it is usually compared with — in this case the personal pronouns like ‘ you ’ , ‘ she ’ or ‘ it ’ .
26 Entries are initialled so that it is usually clear who wrote what .
27 There is a self-characterization here that is comic , and sophisticated , all the more so for being so unobtrusive that it is usually missed .
28 It is true that it is usually played more slowly , c.s2 , but certainly , at Czerny 's tempo , the music dances .
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