Example sentences of "[that] [pron] [verb] themselves " in BNC.

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1 The first thing to do is to rephrase the question that everyone asks themselves , not ‘ what would I like to grow , what do I want to grow ? ’ but ‘ what do I have space for , and how much time am I prepared to devote to looking after what I plant ? ’
2 He was delighted that everyone enjoyed themselves .
3 Their past experience enabled them to produce and maintain their own equipment , and operate it with competence , but the fact that none had themselves initiated any of the significant developments in filmmaking or projects was an early indication of their unpreparedness for serious competition .
4 Stray bullets flying across their heads from both trenches ensured that they kept themselves low to the ground .
5 And when ye would set out for Castille , let all the people know in secret , that they make themselves ready , and take with them all that they have , so that none of the Moors in the suburb may know thereof ; for certes ye can not keep the city , neither abide therein after my death .
6 The Situationists were idealists in the sense that they perceived themselves apart from the spectacle , always managing to be ‘ other-than-spectacular ’ , as Levin puts it , so that this became a pre-condition of Situationist practice .
7 Now that they threaten themselves , the farmers are pleading for action .
8 It does not seem that we necessarily are always simply taken , let alone overtaken , by our desires , so that they act themselves out in us as the force of the wind acts on a leaf .
9 This does not mean that they put themselves into the hands of an absolute authority .
10 It may be because the juniors act independently with equal quantities of youthful enthusiasm and historical ignorance that they get themselves into situations that the dinosaurs have seen before .
11 That does n't mean that I think people should run out and get tested , but anyone who 's heterosexually active , having sexual relationships , needs to think about the risks , and take care of themselves and their partners , need to make sure that they use condoms , that they get themselves informed about the facts .
12 That they made themselves ?
13 Any buds that do manage it do so with such energy that they propel themselves away to project their seeds into wilder gardens .
14 The Larrikins , who can be traced back to 1870 in Australia , were also organised into local gangs or ‘ pushes ’ , and even allowing for exaggeration and over-involvement ( we need not readily accept , for example , that they gorged themselves on raw meat or rigged elections by terrorising voters , as was sometimes alleged ) their behaviour was unbeatably appalling .
15 Essentially , it was a calculative attitude and it was clear that they managed themselves in the sense that they saw work as being a means to their personal ends , which might be owning a boarding house , for example .
16 When Dulé and his companions regained the beach , they were so stunned and wearied by the water and the flames , the howling and frantic clangour of their rout , that they dragged themselves and their boat to the first cover they could find , and lay face down against the earth ; they could sense it trembling as if it were an animal alive beneath them .
17 Perhaps humans may be aware that they enjoy themselves most when they feel that their pleasure is approved of by some overall authority .
18 It 's international in that they see themselves above nationhood , beyond patriotism , and they want the war to end .
19 It 's not so much that they undersell themselves in the UK , but they have to really pull their fingers out in the US .
20 Often it claims that results obtained by such methods do not need formalization ; that they explain themselves ; and that they generate the new questions that the discipline needs .
21 My veterinary colleagues tell me one of the main dangers with such large dogs is not that they injure themselves ( through overexercising before their skeletons can carry their weight ) but that their diets are over-supplemented , particularly with excessive calcium , which damages bone growth and hinders development .
22 Yet they had this sort of erm this sort of feeling about them that they created themselves , that they were sort of cock of the rock , within a shipyard .
23 The coins show that contemporary Romans kept returning to the iconography not just of war , but of conquest , and that they presented themselves as following in the footsteps of Alexander ; this is an important contribution to our understanding of their aspirations at the time .
24 We think it against nature if someone so lacks prudence that they involve themselves in great foreseen evil for the sake of satisfying some fairly trifling present impulse .
25 They 're also supremely naive if they do n't think at some point in the future that MCA will hike out a similar compilation to the one Phonogram just have … that 's always assuming that they sort themselves out enough to have the required amount of hits .
26 Yet there is evidence ( for example in the numerous letters written to women 's magazines on educational matters ) that they believe themselves to have spent their school-days sitting at their desks reciting the multiplication tables and learning how to parse sentences in the English language .
27 Another potential problem for patients is that they find themselves in the role of information-giver , and it is often information of a very personal nature .
28 The reasons may be negative , in that they find themselves less attracted to , or less successful in , an original choice than they had expected , or positive in that experience of the alternative ( and to some an entirely novel ) field develops changed interests .
29 It is evident from the comments made by the nouveaux romanciers that they considered themselves to be developing and integrating the formal experiments of writers drawn from a carefully selected modernist canon , suggesting that they judged modernism to have been incomplete in the French novel before their arrival .
30 It is precisely there that they considered themselves the most competent and consequently interfered in all spheres of its life .
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