Example sentences of "[that] [verb] been available " in BNC.

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1 Prescriptives , an American range that has been available here for 10 years , offers a unique collection of very wearable , natural colours .
2 This type of index is used in the Indexed Sequential Access Method ( ISAM ) that has been available on IBM mainframe computer systems since the late sixties , and is now available on some microcomputers .
3 Any management training that has been available for ryokan has been almost entirely ‘ in house ’ up to now , although the whole area of hotel management training is being rethought in Japan .
4 As a result , hundreds of would-be joystick junkies have been climbing the walls with frustration , as the only compatible datarecorders that have been available lately are of the decidedly dodgy import variety and wo n't work with many games — especially budget releases .
5 If we now look at the different animals and crops that have been available over several thousand years , we will begin to see how basic systems of land exploitation worked in the landscape .
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