Example sentences of "[that] [verb] themselves [prep] " in BNC.

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1 They made shadowy forms that lowered themselves into seats , sat transfixed for a while and then rose and glided.away .
2 The classic example offered is that of the diffident schoolboy , who has learnt the dates of , say , the English kings the previous night but who is so alarmed by his hectoring schoolteacher that he becomes completely unsure that the answers that suggest themselves to him under questioning are in fact the right ones .
3 Eutrophication also spawns epidemics of epiphytes , microalgae that attach themselves to the leaves and stems of underwater plants and further obstruct light .
4 But however unpleasant monsoonal conditions can on occasion be , they are as nothing compared with the fearsome storms that hurl themselves on the Pacific with terrible regularity .
5 There was no direct reference to socialism or communism ; the republics that committed themselves to the treaty would rather be bound to respect the principles of democracy , human rights as defined by international agreements , and social justice .
6 Further even that this , although it is not possible for knitters to write their own programs for Form , there are programs that lend themselves to a great deal of adaptation and change that can be used to knit almost any type of garment .
7 The sorts of premises that lend themselves to this kind of development tend to be your large country house type accommodation , miles from anywhere .
8 The so-called ‘ comprador bourgeoisie ’ , groups that orient themselves to the interests of foreigners in general and TNCs in particular , play a central role in these analyses of the triple alliance .
9 The feminist movement has combined with ecology to make many women feel that stuffing themselves with pills is not what Mother Nature wants , and that learning to understand their bodies by the rhythm method is superior .
10 Bats , that wrap themselves against the light ,
11 Similarly organisations that find themselves in difficulty ; where the profits are not coming through , where there is pressure from shareholders for a significant improvement in profit performance ; here again , the chairman and the Board are likely to reach out to executive search consultants to find them new talent .
12 Despite much popular misconception , there are relatively few individuals or families that find themselves in this position .
13 Like most works that over-reach themselves by striving for unattainable seriousness they are probably simply bad .
14 In excessively crude shorthand : there are light-coloured rocks that form themselves into sharp peaks and very explosive volcanoes ( Mount St Helens , Krakatoa ) on the outside of the Line ; while there are dark-coloured rocks that give rise to rounded hills from which flow copious amounts of benign lavas ( Mauna Loa ) within it .
15 Apollo is the bright sun-god , the symbol of all brightness , all appearance , all plastic energies that express themselves in individual shapes .
16 Even those currents that attached themselves to the drift of labourism , and with which they often had an uneasy relationship , were pathologically infected by the same bourgeois traditions .
17 The worst thing you can do is set these things and then cock it up because secretaries is people that pride themselves on being administratively perfect
18 Various chemical systems have been demonstrated over the years that can self-replicate , some in a way analogous to the replication of genetic material , using nucleotides as basic units that assemble themselves upon a template .
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