Example sentences of "[not/n't] simply [verb] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 But that does not simply mean Walker 's case but the law , whatever it might be , that the English court would apply in the absence of the Act of 1976 in the light of all relevant authorities including decisions , so far as helpful , of other Commonwealth jurisdictions .
2 And not simply Hung Mao , but Nordic .
3 But the belief that it was necessary not simply to lessen poverty but to improve the moral standards of labourers and also of capitalists remained central to the debate .
4 But to be Christian is not simply to preach Jesus ' message .
5 I agree with the hon. Gentleman , however , that all of us who are engaged in the democratic affairs of the Province — that does not simply involve Governments ; it involves also political parties — have a joint responsibility to see whether we can advance matters by way of dialogue .
6 THE devastating flames that swept through Windsor Castle did not simply damage part of Britain 's heritage .
7 The low level of unionization did not simply reflect apathy or a lack of militancy .
8 Why not simply take advice ?
9 Nizan chose not simply to suspend judgement , but to give public support to the Moscow version of events on the grounds that critical accounts of the Soviet state generally lacked both historical perspective and scientific rigour , and more importantly , that the defence of the Soviet Union in the torrid international political climate of the late 1930s was imperative .
10 In opposing human spirit to human force I am not simply setting cognition against physique .
11 In other words ‘ primitive ’ peoples do not simply construct words and meanings in relation to the felt needs of everyday life but classify according to more general intellectual interests and concerns .
12 It can not simply withhold performance and wait to be sued : if it does , the other party merely has to wait until expiry of the contractual time bar period and then sue .
13 Even casual observation suggests politicians are not simply budget maximizers .
14 She writes : ‘ We can not simply shift Jesus from center-stage and replace him with humanity or God by wishing it were so . ’
15 This is not simply to force people into speaking blank verse , but to see how a person responds to the essential humanity of a character — for Shakespeare , of all the classical writers , is probably the most human , whose work is blessed with both grandeur and the common touch .
16 Sociologists can not simply observe action from the outside and impose an external logic upon it .
17 We can point to many instances where clear safety improvements have been effected by not simply accepting FAA requirements .
18 It did not simply cover recruitment from within the circle .
19 So the law is intended not simply to regulate conduct in an imperfect world , but to show up our imperfections and so lead us to Christ .
20 The exclusion of wills and conveyancing originated in a recommendation of the Legal Aid Scrutiny that public money should be directed towards the enforcement or defence of rights and not simply to enable clients to arrange their own affairs .
21 But their injunctions did not simply denounce immorality .
22 These political charges , such as opposing taxes to Caesar and inciting people to revolt , meant that Pilate could not simply ignore Jesus .
23 The Wall Street Crash did not simply create havoc and ruin for stock market investors .
24 Hanson does not simply buy companies and break them up .
25 What Lord Denning M.R. does in the Lannon case is not simply to reject Camborne and Barnsley .
26 Many of the women made it clear in the interviews that their concern is not simply to get housework done in the most efficient way and the shortest possible time .
27 The overwhelming climate of secrecy has long been encouraged and supported by the Official Secrets Acts 1911–1920 which have been used not simply to prevent disclosure of security information but to prevent the disclosure of all information which governments have chosen not to disclose .
28 ‘ Richness ’ does not simply describe materials , books , or audio and visual aids , the condition of the furniture or the art reproductions on the walls .
29 The value of the Survey 's findings on book condition is that they relate to material actually issued to readers , and do not simply describe books stored on the shelves .
30 If it is power that the leading families who supply them want , why not simply distribute food to hungry people ?
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