Example sentences of "[not/n't] go [adv] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 I need not go on because I know this will be familiar to all of us .
2 I can not … ’ but he could not go on because his voice was shaking with such rage .
3 Limited interests led to fewer social contacts ( one can not go on and on talking about nothing ) , and there was no doubt that her aural memory-bank was well in the red .
4 Just a few months ago , only the most rabid anti-royalist thought that the monarchy would not go on and on .
5 What Hamilton could see was that the talents of Warner Bros had combined to produce a film that was not so much about the Legion as ‘ about the kind of short-sighted , uninformed and well-enough-meaning men who have to be given an understanding of what democracy really is so that they will not go on and on providing tools for such legions ’ .
6 But it was safer if Nona did not go on and dig this out of him .
7 This of course could not go on and she had no intention of staying .
8 It is obvious that things can not go on as they are .
9 It is surely obvious that we can not go on as we are as we pollute the world and as poverty increases , along with violence , vandalism and random destruction , more of it at Gateshead last night apparently .
10 The main purpose of charity events is to raise money for them and rightly so , but it can not go amiss if our reputation is enhanced in the process .
11 Hence there is a painful dilemma for the policy-maker between treating a problem as a black box which will not go away but whose size does not seem intimidating and is amenable to exorcism by benign rhetoric and minor policy adjustments ; or as a more diffuse , analytically complex and sophisticated explanation of why most of the problems exist .
12 These images also interact with other texts , particularly newspaper accounts of similar conditions , and combine to confirm for many White spectators that the truth is that housing and employment problems and so on will not go away unless Blacks are sent away or at least have their entry to Britain severely restricted .
13 The malaise that had troubled him did not go away until , one day , when he was using the chamber-pot upstairs , he noticed an angry sore on his penis .
14 Anne had been indignant but secretly glad that he would not go away until she understood how he really felt about her .
15 I warn him that the subject will not go away until he is frank with the House and the country .
16 The problem , however , did not go away and in January , 1897 ‘ A revision of the Church Roll was then made and the following name was erased for absence from Communion [:] Miss R — . ’
17 And yet the problems reason hopes to resolve will not go away and we are little wiser in that respect than when Pascal wrote so perceptively : ‘ Man is neither angel nor brute , and the unfortunate thing is that he who would act the angel acts the brute . ’
18 The disease does not go away if one ignores it : progressive decline is inexorable .
19 ‘ We do not go outside and give lectures . ’
20 Junctions controlled by traffic lights do not go forward when the traffic lights are green unless there is room for you to clear the junction safely , never go forward when the red , amber lights are shown together , when traffic lights have a green arrow filter signal , do not get into the lane when filtering is allowed unless you .
21 When , a little later on , as she was sitting beside the now sleeping child , she heard Liza come into the house , Harriet did not go downstairs but waited until her daughter stood in the doorway of the bedroom , wild-eyed and trembling .
22 One should not overlook the desirability of having the railway line , which goes fairly directly to the station on a Regional Railways route and one should not overlook the importance of having a radial road which does not go through or otherwise influence villages between it and the centre of York .
23 Judge Owen stayed the proceedings last November , ruling the trial should not go ahead because delays in bringing it to court amounted to an abuse of the court process .
24 Mr Connelly , of Chantry Green , Ipswich , was told the operation could not go ahead because the five intensive care beds were already full .
25 At one point , it seemed the Middlesbrough game might not go ahead because fire had badly damaged a stand and shotgun cartridges were found buried in the pitch .
26 The shadow cabinet elections can not go ahead until the new party leadership is in place .
27 Despite some progress in the negotiations on deploying UN troops , including Croatia 's acceptance of their being stationed in areas of current conflict in the republic , Vance reported to the UN that deployment could not go ahead until a ceasefire was observed .
28 Perhaps the incinerator will not go ahead as planned in Londonderry , East .
29 Opponents of the building programme " which in any case may not go ahead as planned because of a lack of funds " claim that political instability in Russia , antiquated technologies and economic pressures ( to cut corners on safety in order to produce much-needed electricity ) could lead to another major nuclear accident .
30 I should mention that if for any reason we did not go ahead or had to withdraw from publication , we reserve the right to give you adequate notice of our intention .
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