Example sentences of "[not/n't] know anything [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Apart from that I do not know anything about it .
2 We do not know anything about the nature of her illness .
3 Mr. Lloyd , counsel for the defendant , has attacked this part of the judgment by relying heavily on the proposition that Mrs. Steed did not know anything about the power of attorney and her status thereunder .
4 You may not know anything about what 's inside your machine at all , but just about everybody will have three separate bits to their machine , so that 's where we 'll start .
5 I myself did not know anything about this and having checked with Gillyan Ford and all Publicity Assistants , found that they too had had no previous indication of the requirement to scan adverts .
6 ‘ I was not suspicious at all and did not know anything about it .
7 The trustees claim they did not know anything about the clause , are a voluntary body on low income and would be unable to pay a market rent and become responsible for maintenance .
8 Science can not know anything of the kind of necessities with which causes compel effects and does not need to suppose that there are any .
9 When he was asked on 3 June to protect the Catholics in Moorfields , he is said to have replied : ‘ You do not know anything of the business .
10 I know , well no she does know , she said to me in the car once you think I do n't know anything but
11 In fact , ’ said Ewen , and was there just a shade of genuine relief in his tone ? ‘ you do n't know anything at all .
12 Could you tell me a bit more about that , because I do n't know anything at all about utility furniture
13 I do n't know anything for certain . ’
14 It was hard because we did n't know anything for sure .
15 ‘ I do n't know anything of the sort . ’
16 The first uses PC /k to show that you do n't know anything of which you know that if it were true you would not be a brain in a vat .
17 ‘ So you do n't know anything of Mrs Marr 's background , where she came from , who her friends were ? ’
18 He was obviously peeved that we 'd squared it with the music teacher while he did n't know anything about it .
19 If they answer the phone and say they do n't know anything about the bed-and-breakfast bookings , a customer could be lost immediately .
20 ‘ You really do n't know anything about me , do you , despite all that wallowing in my mind ?
21 He did n't know anything about it . ’
22 They do n't know anything about life , so they come and tell the rest of us how to live it . ’
23 It is now suggested that ‘ he does n't know anything about politics ’ — in effect , that he is not medically qualified for his spin-doctoring consultancy .
24 I do n't know anything about politics , ’ Agnes pouted .
25 Do n't know anything about art , like , but I know what I like .
26 ‘ I told you I did n't know anything about … ’
27 I do n't know anything about money .
28 You do n't know anything about my life .
29 Oh , you do n't know anything about the plans he had for his dear daughter , and you stand there and talk of her marrying a man from the lowest scum family in Newcastle .
30 ‘ You do n't know anything about me , ’ she said doubtfully .
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