Example sentences of "[not/n't] know enough [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Many species are having to be brought into captivity merely as an emergency measure because we can not act fast enough , or effectively enough , in the wild and we do not know enough about most plants and animals to conserve them .
2 We do not know enough about how often acidic reservoirs occur .
3 Mrs Stych protested coyly that she did not know enough about books to be of any use , while she wondered privately how she was going to fit this new commitment into her already overcrowded schedule of social events .
4 I did not know enough about painting to recognise it , or even guess at its value , but in the present-day crazy art market even a relatively modern painting might well be very valuable , and this one was apparently worth the trouble and risk that Ewen Mackay had taken .
5 He also admitted that resellers did not know enough about Uniplex products .
6 It goes on to argue that scientists do not know enough about natural fluctuations in fish populations in the wild to be able to advise on how many can safely be taken at any time .
7 He did not know enough about women to discover from Bathsheba 's manner whether she wanted to see him or not .
8 Many people stare good opportunities in the face but are unable to recognise them because they do not know enough about the field .
9 Walesa described Tyminski 's success as " an accident of Polish democracy " and claimed that he did not know enough about Poland to govern the country .
10 Because it is so rare , most people simply do not know enough about it to avoid the worst of the disease .
11 TEENAGERS in South Cleveland may not know enough about safe sex and are reluctant to use contraceptives , including condoms , says a new report .
12 I did n't know enough about the subject to be able to query it .
13 It was Susy who took up most of the lunchtime conversation , partly because I probably did n't know enough about the sport to talk about it sensibly to James .
14 I do n't know enough about
15 ‘ I do n't know enough about it to answer that honestly .
16 There are some people who really should n't be on the panel because they really do n't know enough about the job .
17 One professor was heard to remark " I really do n't know enough about that subject .
18 We still do n't know enough about them .
19 Well I , I , I have no comment I mean I just do n't underst I , I do n't know enough about it to , even to be
20 Buying wine can be a nightmare if you do n't know enough about it .
21 Family doctors do n't know enough about hormone replacement therapy , according to a new study .
22 Many of these people were genuinely concerned about development pressures but did n't know enough about CPRW to be attract to join .
23 I did n't know enough about any of the personalities concerned to form any views of my own .
24 I 'm afraid you just do n't know enough about it .
25 I do n't know enough about computer animation to comment on the complexity of experimentation involved ( a colleague who works in electronic arts was mildly dismissive ) , but the sentiments are too predictable to command lengthy involvement .
26 ‘ I do n't know enough about her .
27 Doctors are concerned that young people do n't know enough about the effects of drugs like LSD , Ecstasy and amphetamines .
28 The views of the tutors at the agricultural college were n't necessarily the same as the stern-looking old man 's , and he did n't know enough about anything to enter into an argument .
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