Example sentences of "[not/n't] be [adv] understood " in BNC.

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1 Moreover , analysis of the actions of these complex groups is essential to an understanding of policy-making in government : ‘ The behaviors that constitute the process of government can not be adequately understood apart from the groups , especially the organised and potential interest groups , which are operative at any point in time ’ .
2 The present attitude of the courts towards judicial review can not be adequately understood unless some idea is conveyed of eighteenth and nineteenth century case law .
3 Credit Data told us that their policy was that only information about people under the same name should be passed where there was any possibility of multiple occupancy at a given address , but we felt that at least at the time of our visit this policy might not be clearly understood by the operators themselves , who might give information about people with other names at the given address , too .
4 Some people think that the law of judicial review can not be properly understood unless it is studied against the background of a particular area of governmental activity such as housing or immigration , in order to see how the general rules are use to deal with particular problems .
5 So important a part did this crisis play in determining the events which are the subject of this report that they can not be properly understood without an appreciation of the extent to which the crisis overshadowed everything else that was happening in the area at the time .
6 This class , whatever we call it , can not be properly understood and its historic role can not be adequately explained , outside the necessity that produces the eternal contradiction of capitalist accumulation on a mass scale .
7 There is nothing in the present that can not be better understood in the light of its historical context and origins ; ii ) to arouse interest in the past .
8 The criticisms of both marginality and the Turner thesis have suggested that the problems of spontaneous housing can not be fully understood without some reference to the wider society .
9 But the disorders can not be fully understood unless they are seen in the context of complex political , social and economic factors which together create a predisposition towards violent protest ’ ( para. 8.7 ) .
10 The reason for the discriminatory practices described throughout this book can not be fully understood and tackled without reference to the concept of ageism .
11 If these were things that could not be fully understood or controlled , then they were all the more menacing because they could not be avoided .
12 However , studies of children 's communicative abilities prior to the onset of spoken language have indicated that the origins of communication may be traced back to the earliest days after birth , and that full mastery of the morpho-syntactic devices for expressing complex meanings may not be fully understood until early adolescence .
13 They therefore can not be fully understood if they are taken at face value , and an investigator must find out what social situations sustain and are reflected in them .
14 The present nature of housing can not be fully understood without relating it to the nature of domestic labour .
15 If we return to the example , we can see that clause ( 2 ) , having failed to disprove the charges , can not be fully understood in version ( a ) until clause ( 3 ) has also been heard .
16 The aim of this study is to show how these and other aspects of promotions processes can not be fully understood except in the context of a particular organisation .
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