Example sentences of "[not/n't] be left [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The Cambodian seat at the UN , it was stated , should not be left vacant before a political solution was reached .
2 In contrast , an active attack should not be left unattended and can be identified by the clean appearance of the ‘ flight holes ’ and the little patches and piles of fresh bore dust which fall from them .
3 Their farms could not be left unattended at this crucial time .
4 Whigs and Tories were agreed during the crucial debates of 1830–32 that democracy was an unpalatable and dangerous form of government , that " a stake in the country " was an essential title to political power , that landed property had a special part to play in guaranteeing the stability of the social order and the authority of the Constitution , that the " wild " — as distinct from the " rational " part of the public should not be left undisturbed to exercise pressure on governmental policy .
5 And yet this matter of the battle at Pilleth could not be left unanswered , for the sake of his tenure .
6 The ERM can not be left unmodified .
7 At all events , she should not be left alone to be just herself .
8 He could not be left alone , as he was not safe .
9 Whenever she wants to go out , she may have to arrange for someone to come and ‘ sit in ’ if her parent can not be left alone ; and suitable ‘ mother-sitters ’ are always much harder to find than ‘ baby-sitters , .
10 It is not clear precisely why it was thought that inferences might be drawn from this revelation , but if they might , the jury should not be left alone to draw them .
11 He was hoping that she would not be left alone after his death .
12 Lee stated that the economy had reached a " stagnant situation that can not be left alone " .
13 I like to think my husband would be devastated by my untimely demise , but I know that he would not be left short of cash to buy black ties and Kleenex .
14 Furthermore , the interpretation can not be left undecided : both speaker and hearer must select a reading ( the same reading ) if the sentence is to play its part in a normal conversational exchange .
15 Thus it is a general policy to ensure that mineral working is carried on ‘ with proper regard for the appearance and other amenities of the area ’ , and that when the working is finished the land should ( wherever practicable ) not be left derelict but ‘ restored or otherwise treated with a view of bringing it back to some form of beneficial use ’ .
16 This can not be left unchallenged .
17 Anyway , I have n't been left stranded .
18 Brückner could n't be left alive with that knowledge .
19 The KGB 's next victim wo n't be left dead with a poisoned pellet in him , like a wood pigeon that a kid takes a pot shot at with his air gun .
20 The Arle Court plant wo n't be left empty .
21 All the way back there I 'd realized that G.P. was making sure Barber Cruikshank and I should n't be left alone .
22 That meant Mother had to quit her dressmaking career since Aunt Bessie could n't be left alone afterwards .
23 Also , you ca n't be left alone because every minute seems like an hour .
24 ‘ Most of the residents are there on a permanent basis , but there 's a brand-new wing that has just been opened and is almost exclusively for short-term patients — people like Jennifer who ca n't be left alone , who need constant attention . ’
25 At least she was n't being left penniless and in debt , with nothing .
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