Example sentences of "[not/n't] until [art] next " in BNC.

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1 His meeting was not until the next morning , so he could switch off for a few hours .
2 It was not until the next morning that the local council realised they had to repair a large hole in the middle of the square .
3 But it was not until the next Sunday , October 28 , the day after another climber had taken a message to Navarradonda , that a small ground search was mounted .
4 She was often out all evening and did not reappear until the small hours , so that it was not until the next day , not until the next evening , that Anna began to be alarmed at her absence .
5 She was often out all evening and did not reappear until the small hours , so that it was not until the next day , not until the next evening , that Anna began to be alarmed at her absence .
6 Ven looked at her levelly for all of one second , then , ‘ If you remember , ’ he answered , ‘ it was not until the next day that I knew that the beautiful green-eyed woman with stunning light gold hair was a ‘ journalist ’ . ’
7 It was n't until the next day someone heard him shouting and came to his rescue .
8 She got told off for being late , but it was n't until the next day that Sally 's parents were phoned by the school who had heard about a gang of young people being at the hospital the previous night .
9 The police did n't inform the British Consulate about Jeremy 's disappearance until October 30 , and it was n't until the next day that the consulate contacted Jeremy 's grandmother in England .
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