Example sentences of "[not/n't] expect to [be] " in BNC.

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1 Yes — but you are not expected to be a nurse .
2 And while you are not expected to be perfect ( who is , ever ? ) you are expected to have something to offer .
3 US-based companies will play a major role for the first time , but the Japanese are not expected to be heavily involved .
4 However , the recovery is not expected to be strong enough to enable total visitor numbers for 1991 to surpass 1990 's record of 1.4 million .
5 The first prototype is not expected to be airborne until 1998 .
6 Starting at 14–1 and not expected to be fully fit after his long lay-off , he won easily .
7 If they fail to win 50 per cent this time , they are not expected to be able to rebuild the alliance .
8 Mr Upham , 45 , was at Labour 's campaign headquarters when police broke the news to him and was not expected to be at last night 's count .
9 I had thought it would be fun , but I had not expected to be able to rock 'n' roll by the end of the evening .
10 In these schools , he implied , people would be falling over themselves to get jobs , and , in certain cases , they might be employed even if they had no formal teaching qualifications , though that was not expected to be the norm .
11 You should be able to forgive yourself once you realise that you are not expected to be perfect ; indeed , if you were , you would not need to be here at all — your spirit would be continuing its learning process somewhere else .
12 The English version is not expected to be published until sometime next year .
13 With few spares and no reserve aircraft , their service was not expected to be sustained .
14 Belinda , five , had n't expected to see Santa yesterday — but then her mother and father , Gill and Paul , had not expected to be celebrating at the hospital .
15 He underwent a manipulative operation on his neck yesterday and is not expected to be fit .
16 The Directive is not expected to be enforced before 1995 .
17 It has meant that proposed talks with Forest over his return to the club have been put on hold , and the transfer is not expected to be completed until the weekend .
18 Luxury German car-makers such as Mercedes and BMW are not expected to be panicked into price increases .
19 ‘ I 'm sure you know ’ , Miss Honey said , ‘ that children in the bottom class at school are not expected to be able to read or spell or juggle with numbers when they first arrive .
20 Initial implementations are not expected to be 64-bit — that should first appear in the PowerPC 620 chip , expected next year .
21 It will include an extension mechanism , and QuickTime , AppleScript and Apple Open Collaboration Environment are being converted for the environment , but are not expected to be ready until the second half of next year .
22 The US Federal Trade Commission is still trying to put together a case against Microsoft Corp that will win support from its commissioners , US PC Week reports , and will be collecting final depositions this week : the complaint is now expected to be drastically simplified in an effort to make it acceptable to at least three of the four voting commissioners , and the latest depositions are primarily focused on allegations that Microsoft intentionally built incompatibilities into its software so it would n't work well with offerings from competitors — a complaint set off by Novell Inc , which alleged DR DOS would n't work with Windows 3.1 because Microsoft deliberately added incompatible code ; Microsoft said it had ‘ never developed a product to be intentionally incompatible with some other product ’ ; the Commission is also expected to address the manner in which Microsoft disseminates technical information to developers , and the manner in which it has capitalised on operating system monopoly to build applications sales ; if at least three of the four commissioners agree with the complaint , the case will go to administrative court and Microsoft will be sued by the federal government for anti-trust violations , but the company is not expected to be asked to do anything so drastic as sell units .
23 The newswire quotes industry executives saying that the trio plan to announce by the end of the month that they have produced a working sample of the chip , which they had not expected to be ready until early next year .
24 Further sponsors and at least one ‘ multi-million unit company ’ , not expected to be in the mainstream computer systems business , is said to have signed up for PowerPC , and should reveal itself within two months , claimed PowerOpen officials .
25 Although the machine , which is designed to read hand print but not cursive writing , is expected to be at the Spring Consumer Electronics Show in Chicago , it is not expected to be available until early next year .
26 It is not expected to be commercialised .
27 It is not expected to be commercialised .
28 Are women not expected to be interested in computing ?
29 One of the initial purposes of the World Bank was to aid post-war reconstruction through the provision of finance , since private capital markets were not expected to be able to cope with the scale of the problem .
30 She had not expected to be such a kind of girl ; she had watched this kind of girl for years ( the lips discreetly reddened , the loud laughter on the school bus , the tossing of long hair beneath rakish berets , the swinging of hips , the whispering in the garden ) but she had never expected to become one .
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