Example sentences of "[be] [vb pp] available [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Commissions in an expanding army might be made available without purchase , either to support the interest of Administration politicians or to stimulate recruiting and sometimes both , but rarely could they serve an opposition politician directly , although the fact that military commissions were not immediately under the control of the Government manager for Scotland permitted some indirect approaches by opposition members and their friends .
2 It required local authorities to establish maternity and child welfare committees , to include at least two women , and specified services for which grants would now be made available including home helps , food for expectant and nursing mothers and children under five , creches and day nurseries .
3 Only thus will land be made available at minimum instead of monopoly prices , and only thus will the would-be developer be enabled to foresee his commitments and calculate his risks — both essential conditions of ‘ mass production ’ in house-building .
4 Saw psychiatrist and was assured that a bed would be made available at Parkhead hospital as soon as possible .
5 Both documents must be given freely to parents of pupils on request and must be made available at the school for reference by parents and others .
6 The car shall be produced in constant supply , irrespective of demand , and be made available at incredibly silly prices for all worthy organisations , local authorities and small businesses on a means tested basis .
7 The second point is that the separate leaflet on , say , the inter-library loan service , the catalogues , or the reserved book collection , can be made available at the point of use or point of need .
8 This technology will not only be of use to the programme itself , but can also be made available at state and local levels .
9 The lease required a proportion of one-twelfth of " waste ore " to be made available at the end of every three years and made saleable — failure to do so resulting in forfeiture of all such material .
10 The Pavlova Works will carry on for the next three months and some jobs will be made available at the group 's other centres .
11 A TEST which checks foetuses for Down 's Syndrome will be made available at Hartlepool General Hospital 's Cameron maternity unit from next Wednesday for mothers-to-be who want it .
12 More than 50 places are expected to be made available at Springfield Primary School , Darlington , to cater for youngsters in the Haughton area of town .
13 He says the facilities should also be made available at appropriate times and at competitive prices for conferences , seminars , meetings and dinners .
14 It also says major applications will be made available on plug-in cards but , as always , computer buyers should only assess what they can see , not what might turn up who-knows-when .
15 Further sounds will be made available on library cards at a later date .
16 Full written details can be made available on request .
17 Additional copies will be made available on request from Kevin Cooper .
18 The Abortion Law Reform Association , founded in 1936 by seven women , of whom Dora Russell , Stella Browne and Frida Laski were particularly sympathetic to the labour movement , believed abortion to be safe , but called only for legal abortion to be made available on health grounds , using as their justification the way in which deaths due to abortion inflated the maternal mortality rate .
19 Offshore time is to be made available on the candidates for non-electrical duties and records will be kept by offshore supervision .
20 However , a collated copy can be made available on request .
21 Data to be made available on ICI wastes
22 MOSCOW — Huge amounts of computerised information held in Soviet data bases are to be made available for the first time to Western research , it was agreed at a conference for Western and Eastern scientists here , writes Justin Arundale .
23 A further $4 billion would be made available for reimbursing the Soviet Union for moving its citizens off the islands , withdrawing the troops stationed there , and paying compensation for the loss of property .
24 God 's wonderful grace and power can be made available for us .
25 An arrangement had been made in association with the World Bank for Scottish advice to be made available for primary education in Pakistan .
26 However where possible , eg. if there are several hours to wait before your return flight , and this is often the case in low season , a room will be made available for changing and storing hand luggage .
27 Over the next 22 months , additional resources of at least £600 million will be made available for investment in education .
28 Not only future proposals but also information about the present financial position of schools must be made available for reference both to parents and to others , in education offices and public libraries .
29 It also suggested more finance be made available for oil and gas exploration in non-oil LDCs .
30 Most , however , felt that such practices were not topics to be made available for public scrutiny .
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