Example sentences of "[that] come [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 As with most items that come as a ‘ set ’ , value increases considerably for having every one and more so for them being in fine condition .
2 Outside of those times , there is a night-line which is on , so any calls that come into the press outside of those times will come through on a special number which will ring and anybody can pick up .
3 Still , when it comes to the treatment of the frontiers of computing , the areas of advanced research that come under the general heading of ‘ artificial intelligence ’ ( AI ) , there is still a great deal sadly lacking .
4 However , it is worth a little further attention because it is a recent example of a whole group of theories that come under the umbrella heading of panspermia .
5 But first , bearing all these matters in mind , let us return to consider the activities that come under the heading of social research .
6 Global warming or any of the thousand other worries that come under the environmental heading may or may not have a sound scientific basis , but subjective judgement is still required to determine what priority to give them , and what rules , actions and expenditure are justified to relieve them .
7 This leaves non-meanings ; but non-meanings are a vast class , comprising logically most diverse elements and including a large sub-class of topics that come under the general heading of " fiction " .
8 There are also the exciting poses that come at the end of some of Ashton 's pas de deux as the two characters declare their love , for example , when Oberon cradles Titania in his arms at the end of The Dream and , even more excitingly , when Colas lifts Lise high on one arm it the end of their dance in Act II of La Fille Mai Gardée as if to crown her queen of the harvest
9 Although the computer has a hyphenation dictionary ( it knows how to split words that come at the end of a line ) , a skilled composer can usually do a better job .
10 That come to a different answer from all the others .
11 Roth has left off with his mythologising fury — and his memoir lets us know that the benefits that come to the writer who tries , or even seems , to stick to the facts may amount to something more than those of hindsight .
12 Secondly , any changes that come to the primary schools must come as a result of changes at the secondary level .
13 It 's unfair for another reason : most of the walkers , climbers and cavers that come to the Dales , the Lakes and the mountains come because they love them , because they respect them and care for them and want to keep them the way they are so that the people of the future can enjoy the wildness and the greatness of the earth .
14 And it 's only in the minority of cases where things go wrong that come to the attention at the Trading Standards Department .
15 Furnham , in his study Culture Shock believes that training can overcome personality difficulties that come to the fore in this experience .
16 Contrasting binding on the leading edges of curtains ( those that come to the centre ) will give a sharp definition and a smart finish .
17 It causes problems to people that come to the house .
18 PRIORS MESNE , at Aylburton in the Forest of Dean , has an unusual addition to the normal list of potential fixtures and fittings that come with a property for sale — 110 red and fallow deer .
19 For this reason , top management at one computer company is more likely to provide large allocations for ideas that come with a coalition already formed around them .
20 Any of these difficulties can be avoided by a few patient moments of study with the clear and concise instructions that come with the Diamond stunters .
21 The main differences are the gauge and the number of extras that come with the machine .
22 It has ten pre-punched cards supplied with it , instead of the 20 that come with the SK280 and SK740 and it does n't have a carrying case .
23 Some artists become so resentful of the conventionalities that come with the signal — the imposition , as it is said , of a merely ‘ arty ’ atmosphere — that they consciously take their work to other , ‘ more normal ’ places .
24 The trainers not only have to develop skills but also the professional maturity which enables the interpreter to use those skills responsibly to a defined code in the professional context and to confront and absorb in a positive way the inevitable stresses that come with the job — working in situations which may involve death , birth , bereavement , trauma or abuse .
25 Big big quite a big priority there so and you know are obviously people that like them like the guidelines that come with the company like the ideas of belonging to the company and like the ideas of actually extolling the virtues of the company and following the company policy .
26 On the way red-necked phalaropes at last show themselves , tame , almost friendly birds that come towards the camera .
27 Now of course it would depend very much on and whether you were in a drought situation as we were until last year or whether it 's like we 've been over this last summer and early winter which is that virtually not a day has passed without we 've had some rain , in which case obviously the roof is going to get cleaned up very much quicker but I have to say that although I 've always been under the impression that it 's not a good idea to save water off a new felt roof er because of deposits that come off the mineral felt .
28 that 's what I said , so that come like a prayer from heaven it did
29 Lead levels from a system with lead piping are much higher in the first few pints that come from a tap that has been left turned off than after the water has run for a few minutes , as this flushes out much of the dissolved lead .
30 Broadway risk is only ever justified by the huge rewards that come from a success .
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