Example sentences of "[that] would otherwise be " in BNC.

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1 By using computer simulations , researchers can rapidly acquire a body of knowledge not previously available to them through traditional laboratory methods , and explore chemical events that would otherwise be too dangerous , speculative or costly to pursue .
2 It also allows the colonization of environments that would otherwise be too severe .
3 By irrigating land that would otherwise be desert , they produce half of the fruit and vegetables sold in the US .
4 The principal weakness in the sense of community when Marshall gave his lectures was the class system , and his emphasis on the social element of citizenship was directed largely at counteracting divisions in the community that would otherwise be caused by class inequalities .
5 That is the pathway we have gone down , and in consequence we have reduced the amount of food that is given to our cows that could be eaten by man from 50 per cent to 14 per cent by getting the input from grass and porridge oats : food that would otherwise be wasted in a system that is not using these animals to pick it up on the way .
6 Regular slashing to protect useful species results in a litter richer in new leaves which are more nutrient-rich , especially in relation to nitrogen and phosphorus , than older leaves and slashing usually occurs only after the re-establishment of a root mat which helps to bind nutrients that would otherwise be lost via leaching .
7 They even make statements about it criticism that would otherwise be regarded as incomprehensible : ‘ The man who welcomes criticism , will prize it almost above friendship , ’ says Eccles .
8 The advantage of reverse-flow is that the water can be constantly filtered for detritus and debris that would otherwise be held in the coral sand and gravel and cause it to pack down and clog .
9 It enables us to produce images of sex that would otherwise be absent .
10 The advantage of this method of delivery is that , as well as being quicker , it allows the cuckoo to use nests that would otherwise be inaccessible .
11 ‘ We originally thought the IXI name would go away , ’ says new owner , Santa Cruz Operation Inc : instead the company will use the IXI name as a brand for its front-end technologies and it will also use the IXI connection to try and win accounts that would otherwise be unwilling to buy from Santa Cruz , but do n't give a damn who owns IXI .
12 Of course some bank supervision is essential : economies need functioning payments systems , and sturdy-looking banks do mobilise some savings that would otherwise be stuffed under mattresses .
13 It will also use the IXI connection to try and win accounts that would otherwise be unwilling to buy from SCO , but do n't care who owns IXI .
14 You can generate the dust by rubbing the Polychromos Pastels against fine sandpaper , a practical use for small remnant pieces that would otherwise be difficult to use up , or you can do as I do and spread the dust from very lightly applied pastel strokes , placed to allow a very deliberate development of the effect over a localised area .
15 As medical staffing budgets are finite any increase in the number of career registrars and senior registrars uses up money that would otherwise be available for expanding the number of consultants .
16 A ballast variant is defined by W.G.E. Watson as " simply a filler , its function being to fill out a line of poetry that would otherwise be too short " .
17 Closed circuit TV or videotape can present to a large class visual stimuli in close-up that would otherwise be impossible to show except to individuals , as well as include out-of-school experience from schools broadcasts and specially recorded field work .
18 Equally , social costs are not restricted to the cash outlays of a project but also include any other undesirable side effects ; for example , the siting of a dam will displace land that would otherwise be available to farmers , wildlife , country ramblers and so on .
19 Furthermore if the search resolves the ambiguity it will in future save all the expense that would otherwise be incurred in fighting the rival interpretations through the courts .
20 However , in the PC world , these need extra processing power that would otherwise be available for the application and only really come into their own with the PC/AT or even the ‘ 386 models .
21 The Spirit of God came upon Christian individuals in order to create in them a quality of life that would otherwise be beyond their powers .
22 Fabrics with horizontal patterns will also give the impression of width , and curtains that are draped back will help to break the vertical line that would otherwise be formed by curtains which hang straight down at the sides .
23 Compounds bearing radioactive elements are acquired late , and are therefore confined near to the surface thus avoiding the problem that would otherwise be posed by the observed surface abundances ( section 6.3.4 ) .
24 The IMF view is that taxation is a burden because governments spend today money that would otherwise be invested by business and peasant families tomorrow , and without such private investment development will be held back .
25 The Secretary of State was being totally disingenuous because , if the cancellation cost of the fourth boat is the same as the cost of cancelling the first boat would have been , it would be cheaper to build the thing — so saving on the unemployment benefit that would otherwise be payable to the constituents of the hon. Member for Barrow and Furness ( Mr. Franks ) — and not deploy it .
26 We therefore propose to introduce at Report Stage a Government amendment which will provide for discretionary trusts which were in existence on 26th March 1974 to rearrange their position , if they so wish , at rates of charge which will be substantially below the rates that would otherwise be chargeable .
27 Rate of charge on capital distribution Where the property was held on discretionary trust before 26th March , capital distributions of the settled property to individuals who became beneficially entitled to it will be charged only the following fractions of the tax that would otherwise be charged on capital distributions of the settled property : These reliefs will also apply where an interest in possession comes into existence in property previously held on discretionary trust .
28 The employer may have reached this decision on purely strategic , rather than personal or malicious , grounds The employer may calculate , for instance , that a real commercial benefit can only be derived from gaining a market lead in a highly competitive sector ( such as electronics or fibre optics ) with a new product that would otherwise be obsolescent by the time the patent filing and examination process has run its course .
29 A death is always exciting , always makes you realise how alive you are — how vulnerable but so-far-lucky , but the death of somebody close gives you a good excuse to go a bit crazy for a while and do things that would otherwise be inexcusable .
30 From the landlord 's point of view one principal advantage of the term of years certain is that it can be contracted out of the security of tenure that would otherwise be provided by the Landlord and Tenant Act 1954 .
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