Example sentences of "[that] she have ever " in BNC.

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1 Loomis , the ninety-two-year-old from 92 pointed out , the best funeral that she had ever attended .
2 She could not imagine that she had ever been the first person .
3 You would never have believed that she had ever had a problem in that area .
4 All the dancing that she had ever done had been at three school dances , and in sessions for instruction in the art of the polka , the mazurka , and the tarantella , and she did not think they would be much help to her now .
5 She wondered that she had ever found him amusing .
6 I even found it difficult to believe that she had ever been in cahoots with Mr Broadhurst .
7 It was the first time that she had ever felt sorry for anyone .
8 That night she was woken by the most terrible screams that she had ever heard .
9 Either he was dead straight , or else he was the sharpest operator-bar none , including the guy she 'd met on a singles ' holiday who 'd almost managed to convince her that he was on his final fling with only ninety days left to live — that she had ever encountered .
10 George , the one in the dark glasses , was the least likely member of Ml anything that she had ever met , unless she counted the one in the trousers .
11 Everything that she had ever wanted was coming true .
12 Harry tried to shut Mossop 's stumbling remarks out of his head , to concentrate instead on Heather 's words , the last words , in fact , that she had ever spoken to him .
13 It was the first time that she had ever told anyone of what had happened .
14 It was n't that she had ever made a conscious decision to play the helpless female ; she just always looked as though she was in constant need of care and attention , and over the years she had found that it was far easier to allow people to think what they liked , because whenever she tried to be assertive , or explain that she was really quite competent , no one ever believed her .
15 Heavens , to think she had actually started to feel ashamed that she had ever hit him !
16 Coupled with the challenges of a completely unfamiliar job , she was not sure that she had ever spent such an uncomfortable evening .
17 Jane found Algox the hardest job to bear of any that she 'd ever had .
18 Lucy sat on the tiled floor of a shower cubicle in the bathroom of the most expensive-looking hotel suite that she 'd ever seen , hugging her knees , shivering despite the temperature of the water that beat down upon her .
19 Nothing that would stand looking at too closely , of course , but it was like all the best illusions that she 'd ever seen , onstage or off because for all its contrivance , in the moment of perception it somehow transcended reality .
20 All during the night , over and over again , she had found it absurd that she 'd ever considered herself a happy woman .
21 Not that she 'd ever wanted to , as she told Apricot .
22 It was only towards herself that she 'd ever seen him act meanly .
23 It amazed her that she 'd ever believed herself in love with him , that she 'd deluded herself into seeing his arrogance and his egotism as positive qualities .
24 And it was her second car that she 'd ever had sort of thing .
25 No she said I 've got the second biggest co cock I mean that she 'd ever seen .
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