Example sentences of "[that] it was about " in BNC.

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1 The room had seating capacity for about eighty and Mark saw that it was about half full .
2 Suddenly she realized that her phobia was beginning to make her a prisoner in her own home , and that it was about time she sought help in overcoming it .
3 The BAeSema Ltd joint venture of British Aerospace Plc and Sema Group Plc won a UK Ministry of Defence contract to equip five frigates with command systems : no price was given but a source told Reuter that it was about £30m .
4 After reading some of the criticisms from readers in the past few months I felt that it was about time I wrote in .
5 He was in this office a fortnight ago saying that it was about time as his father was getting on and one never knew , et cetera et cetera …
6 Leith knew then , when her mother began , ‘ Is n't it exciting ? ’ that she was wasting her time expecting her to agree that it was about time Sebastian got his act together .
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