Example sentences of "[that] stare back at " in BNC.

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1 She had n't been able to read anything from the ice-chips that stared back at her .
2 She was saddened and alarmed by the white face and big dark eyes that stared back at her from a thinner face than she remembered .
3 The books were behind glass , and the reflection that stared back at him showed the face of a stranger .
4 I did n't identify with the tired , frightened failure that stared back at me from the mirror .
5 He spoke lightly , amusement in his eyes , but there was no response in the two pairs of eyes that stared back at him stonily .
6 Isambard 's deep eyes flashed to Harry 's face and lingered there , untroubled by the naked hate and defiance that stared back at him .
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