Example sentences of "[that] lie in [art] " in BNC.

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1 They know , too , all the secret places of the bank : the nest of sandbags built during the War for the Home Guard ; the ruins of Marsh Edge Farm that lies in an angle of the tip hidden from the town ; the steps , cut in the slag-face , that lead down to the Ironworks Pier from which they can watch the boats .
2 For example , in flowering plants the haploid stage is reduced to the pollen tube , derived from a haploid pollen grain that falls on the stigma of a flower and grows until it reaches and fertilizes the egg cell that lies in the flower 's ovary .
3 Addressing an audience of sensible and clear-headed gentlemen — the sort of people who had produced the Bloodless Revolution of 1688 — Locke pictured himself as ‘ an under-labourer in clearing the ground a little , and removing much of the rubbish that lies in the way of knowledge ’ .
4 Its essential components are a two-stranded antiparallel β -ribbon that lies in the DNA major groove , two outer A helices available to make cooperative interactions with adjacent proteins along the DNA , and two inner B helices forming the subunit interface .
5 There is now evidence that the bulge is elongated in a direction that lies in the plane ; the Milky Way is a barred spiral galaxy .
6 The wildly snaking curves in the left panel are the traces of orbits that lie in the corotation region .
7 Then , fourteen years later , after it had seemed that this strange fish had appeared only to disappear totally , another was caught , not off South Africa but a thousand miles away in Anjouan , one of the tiny Comoro Islands that lie in the Indian Ocean midway between Madagascar and the coast of Tanzania .
8 Forcing herself , she worked for an hour or two on the great heap of stuff purloined from the skips that lay in a corner of the hall ; fitting a curtain here , laying a rug there .
9 The taxi , an old Moskvich with torn upholstery , had laboured its way through the gears into Tobolsk , to the square brick police station that lay in the centre .
10 Chinese fables spoke of the abyss that lay in the waters to the east .
11 The Fabians recognized the dangers that lay in the establishment of a powerful centralized bureaucracy .
12 If it had a centre , that lay in the triangle formed by the cities of Angers , Tours and Poitiers .
13 But for the great mass of the people , for the emergent working class , that lay in the future .
14 Civil servants accepted ‘ the truths of political economy ’ ; it was the task of government to remove the obstacles that lay in the path of ‘ felicity ’ .
15 Everything in the sun was old gold ; everything that lay in the shade was blue .
16 Sam was gratified to be alone with his father and identified only the improvization and daring that lay in the situation , not the guilt and apprehension .
17 In some cases , owners substituted specialist crews of ‘ mercenaries ’ ( mostly Filipino , but sometimes German or British ) , ready to run almost any risk for the part of a voyage that lay in the war zone .
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