Example sentences of "[that] he was thinking " in BNC.

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1 He maintained that he was thinking about gold and the strange fascination this metal still exerts upon otherwise rational men grappling with the intricacies of international exchange rates .
2 His blue eyes were gazing far away and his wife knew that he was thinking of that distant evening when he and Mrs Curdle had first met , on just such an April evening , many years ago .
3 But she had said nothing , and she knew from the look on his face that he was thinking she was still bearing a grudge from the incident in the storeroom the previous night .
4 J. went off to another station at one point for a two week course on shoe repairing and general leatherwork — not that he was thinking of setting up in business as a cobbler , but figuring that a free training on any practical skill was worth having .
5 She had no way of knowing that he was thinking not so much of the next photo story she would submit to him as the necessary therapy it might provide .
6 He glanced at Ho , and knew that he was thinking the same thing .
7 It was in this way that he was thinking when , with Lili by his side and their suitcases on a trolley he would abandon at the tube-station entrance , he looked up and met the eyes of Adam Verne-Smith .
8 When she had finished and was stirring a saccharine tablet into her coffee , he sat silent for a while , his little eyes half closed , his pursed lips showing that he was thinking hard .
9 Peter said feebly that he was thinking of going to India next year .
10 ’ John made it clear enough that he was thinking of the Roman curia : ‘ In our everyday ministry we often have to listen , greatly to our sorrow , to those … who do not have much discretion or balance ’ .
11 She saw the flicker of pain cross his face as she spoke of Lizzy and guessed that he was thinking of his own daughter .
12 Although the last sentence in that passage could be read as covering any demand for payment in purported reliance upon a statute Martin B. does relate it to a ‘ service rendered ’ and the following interjection by him during argument , at p. 629 , suggests that he was thinking of a demand colore officii in the sense referred to by Isaacs and Windeyer JJ. :
13 Somebody once said that if angelism , sharing the gospel was one beggar telling another beggar about bread , where it could be found and undoubtedly when he was saying that he was thinking of that story that account that we had read to us earlier from the second book of kings , chapter seven , and I 'd like us to er turn back to us for a few moments this morning and perhaps draw some lessons for ourselves Sometimes as Christians its very easier for us to say what sins are , and we can see other people 's failings , you do n't have to be a Christian to do that of course , plenty of other people can do that , they see the failings of other people , they see the wrong doing they do , they see their wickedness their , their waywardness , whatever words we want to use to describe it , and we say well that is sin , perhaps for most of us this morning we could make er a list a , a , a tabulate a table of sins and we might say well they are worse sins and there are lesser sins and I would I suppose by and large there would be a fairly reasonable consensus of opinion regarding what was sins and what were not sins .
14 Writing when he did , and as he did , to justify an actual rebellion , it is perhaps not strange that he was thinking primarily of politics rather than of law , that the ‘ rights ’ he had in mind were the rights of man rather than the rights of the citizen , or that the sanction for these rights should be extralegal action rather than any constitutional check .
15 She knew instantly that he was thinking of the Father of Lies — for the Prince of Darkness has as many titles as the Prince of Wales — and she went pink .
16 And she felt , though comfortable in bed , as if she were standing with the rain sluicing all over her , streaming soothing over her breasts and down her thighs , warm and comforting and she hoped that he was not in difficulties on the road and that he was thinking about the rain .
17 The hon. Gentleman then said that he was thinking of municipalising water .
18 Governor Mario Cuomo of New York , widely regarded as the strongest candidate the Democrats could field against Bush , announced on Oct. 11 that he was thinking about running for the presidential nomination .
19 Once or twice lately he 's mentioned the possibility that he might ‘ change his way of life ’ which could mean that he intended to get married , but with Francis it could equally mean that he was thinking of taking up golf or ludo . ’
20 She could see in his eyes that he was thinking the same , as in a flat tone he told her , ‘ Point taken .
21 The look in his eyes was cool and lofty , she saw , and she just knew then that he was thinking that there were some Sundays when Travis breakfasted at someone else 's table — and he knew exactly where !
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