Example sentences of "[not/n't] [vb infin] [be] easy " in BNC.

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1 It can not have been easy for an ordinand or a curate to stand up to contemptuous persiflage about his religion from one of the ablest minds of the generation who happened to be his own brother .
2 It can not have been easy , all these years , and who am I to criticise , to look askance , I who have been lucky , who have only myself to please , whose time is free .
3 With a painter father and a musician mother , it might not have been easy to decide in which artistic direction to steer the young Sylvestra .
4 It could not have been easy to hump awkward loads up and down the wobbly death trap .
5 Despite having an income and for some years an indulgent father , the task of raising them can not have been easy .
6 It could not have been easy for these men to deliver flocks and herds safely to their destination and the advent of motor transport must have been a blessing to animals .
7 It can not have been easy for his wife to have Nicolae and Elena Ceauşescu as in-laws . )
8 The subsequent erection of the monuments — for example , capping the uprights of Stonehenge — likewise can not have been easy .
9 It would not have been easy to build a good relationship in those circumstances .
10 It can not have been easy for either of them .
11 The enforcement of anything like a just peace in Bosnia and Croatia would indeed not have been easy .
12 Her decision represented the final abandonment of a lifetime 's loyalty and could not have been easy to take .
13 It can not have been easy for a man in his fifties to start afresh as an instrument-maker in London .
14 It can not have been easy , as at this time photography was beginning to have a profound impact upon this branch of the arts , being more fashionable , cheaper , and offering the promise of greater veracity .
15 The decision , made six months ago , to uproot herself from England and move to the Algarve might not have been easy , but it had been the right one .
16 It could n't have been easy .
17 ‘ That ca n't have been easy . ’
18 But that would n't have been easy .
19 It ca n't have been easy at first . ’
20 It could n't have been easy .
21 ‘ I know that ca n't have been easy for you . ’
22 It could n't have been easy for her , a young unmarried mother , coming back to Ireland .
23 Her gaze distant , as though she was looking back into the past , she continued , ‘ It would n't have been easy , staying here , but I dare say we would have managed .
24 It ca n't have been easy to have been a good Muslim in Cheltenham , thought Robert !
25 ‘ It ca n't have been easy for her .
26 ‘ It ca n't have been easy for them either over the past week , not knowing who they 'd be playing . ’
27 There are two members I think have spoken from the Liberal benches concerning funding bureaucracy and I would agree entirely with what that means but they 've also mentioned in the same bet , budgetary control and if you 're going to control budgets , you have to have a minimal amount of bureaucracy and the function really of the head of the er of the project , er the head of the the post that 's now slipped into oblivion with this motion , would actually have been to do two things it would have been to hold the two groups together and it would have been to have overall control of that budget and it would n't have been easy and I would n't have like the job and I wouldn't 've applied for it and certainly would have been very difficult indeed .
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